My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4957 4957 is equivalent to guarding a cornucopia

Not far away is the tall and majestic gate of Beiyuan City. The people of Beiyuan City have obviously become accustomed to this flying boat that travels between Guzhou City and Beiyuan City all year round. Not only did no one watch it, but no one even took a second look. There were quite a few saint robes wearing The men and women with the sect's logo walked out of the city quickly and greeted them enthusiastically.

After a brief greeting, the elders of each sect took their disciples and followed them into the city.

"Who are these people?" Seeing this scene, Lorne asked curiously.

"They are all manpower stationed in Beiyuan City from the major sects in the Spirit Realm." Liu Sanjue replied. Among the group of people, he was the only one who knew something about Beiyuan City.

"The major sects still have manpower stationed in Beiyuan City?" Luo Enen broke the casserole and asked what happened again, looking at Liu Sanjue like a curious baby.

"Beiyuan City is located at the northernmost point of Wuji Holy Heaven. There is no sect within a radius of tens of thousands of miles, so the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is the most abundant and dense in the entire Spiritual Realm.

Although the ice fields in the north have been frozen for thousands of years, there are many places where hot springs and rivers are hidden, and there are even wonders of four distinct seasons within a mile. Such a place is very suitable for the growth of exotic flowers and plants, and some medicinal materials can only be found here. Some fine gold and mithril with strange properties can also only be found here. Therefore, the Far North Icefield is also the location with the most abundant cultivation resources in the entire Spirit Realm.

However, the entire Beiyuan City, including the Far North Icefield, is in the hands of several major forces in the city. Not to mention the envoys, even the Holy Lord never intervenes and wants to buy exotic flowers, herbs or other natural materials. Dibao can only start from these major forces. The major sects stationed their manpower in Beiyuan City in order to gather information and purchase the training resources needed by the sect in time, so as not to miss the opportunity and be taken over by other sects first. "

"So, whoever can occupy Beiyuan City is equivalent to guarding a cornucopia?" Luo Enen's eyes began to flash with stars again.

"That's what you say, but who has such ability? These major forces in Beiyuan City were all built by the former subordinates of the Beiyuan Emperor. Their own strength is not inferior to that of the Holy Sect. They have been fighting each other for so many years and they have not been able to distinguish one from the other. High and low, how can we allow outsiders to get involved?

There were some nearby sects who had this idea in the past, wanting to break in and get a piece of the pie. In the end, under the joint suppression of the major forces in Beiyuan City, all of them ended up with their sects destroyed and their people killed. Later, even Lord Shengjun turned a blind eye to them and didn't bother to pay attention to them. Liu Sanjue said with a smile.

"Even the Holy Lord can't deal with them?" Luo Enen said in surprise.

"If you make up your mind to take action, you may not really be able to deal with it, but don't forget that Emperor Beiyuan and Emperor Donghuang are equally famous. When the mainland was in crisis, they each led their strong men to fight bloody battles, and finally died. , when it comes to reputation, they are actually not much worse than the three Saint Kings.

Although the Beiyuan Empire no longer exists, leaving only the former capital of Beiyuan City, the people in the city are basically the descendants or disciples of the powerful people in the past. Their ancestors have fought to the death for the safety of the mainland. Unless they cause trouble, The sky is so angry that even the Holy King has no reason to be cruel, otherwise it will be difficult to convince the public.

Besides, Dongji City has the Donghuang Pavilion left by Emperor Donghuang. Didn’t Emperor Beiyuan leave anything behind in Beiyuan City? If Lord Shengjun really wants to destroy Beiyuan City, he will have to pay a high price. Liu Sanjue said.

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