Luo Enen stuck out her tongue and said nothing more. Even the Holy Lord couldn't do anything against Beiyuan City, so there was certainly no need for them to ask for trouble.

While talking, the group of people had already stepped down the gangway. Most of the people from each sect have entered Beiyuan City under the leadership of their disciples. Only Zhu Sifang and several elders of the holy sect who had repaired the formation base together stayed in place.

"Miss Gu, our sect has a villa in Beiyuan City. If you don't mind it, let me act as a landlord." As soon as Gu Fenghua came down, an elder from the Sheng Sect hurried to meet him. As he walked, He said with a smile on his face.

"Bizong also has a villa in Beiyuan City. It's better for me to fulfill the friendship of this landlord." He spoke quickly, but the other old man moved quickly. Before he finished speaking, he had already arrived at Gu Fenghua's house. around.

"There are also those in the lower sect, and there are also those in the lower sect." The other elders of the Holy Sect spoke a little slower, and moved a little slower, but they were in sync with each other. They squeezed the man behind them at the same time, and then several old faces with smiles appeared. Stretched out in front of Gu Fenghua.

Because they did not want to ruin the reputation of the Yunhe Chamber of Commerce, and at the same time they did not dare to reveal the secrets of the Yundu Feizhou and the Qiongqi, so the previous breakdown of the formation base was not made public and was unknown to outsiders.

But as the parties involved, of course they know it very well. Recalling the situation at that time, they were all upset.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, who would have dared to believe that the young and beautiful girl in front of you, in addition to the cultivation level of the seventh-grade Emperor Saint, actually had such shocking skills in alchemy, weapon refining, and formations. Technique, given time, how powerful will she be. As elders of a sect, they certainly have the foresight that an elder should have, so how could they miss this perfect opportunity to show their kindness to Gu Fenghua.

If she could get Gu Fenghua to look at her differently, if nothing else, even just persuading her to serve as a guest elder in her sect would be enough to ensure the sect's peace for thousands of years.

With this thought in mind, the expressions of several elders were eager, respectful, and expectant, and their waists almost bent to their knees.

This was not the first time Gu Fenghua had experienced such a scene. Seeing that they hadn't left yet, he had already guessed what was going on. With her temperament of respecting others as much as I respect others, of course she would not reject others thousands of miles away. But with so many elders, it was a question of who would agree and who would reject. Of course it was not okay to treat one with favoritism, but it was also not allowed to live in this family. Are you staying at that house for two days? They don't find it troublesome, but she does.

"Your Biyun Sect's villa is too remote in Beicheng. It's inconvenient to go out. If others don't know that you don't know it yourself, why are you joining in the fun?" Gu Fenghua has not yet made up his mind. A Holy Sect The elder dragged another Holy Sect elder who had squeezed in front of him behind him and said disdainfully.

"When it comes to remoteness, isn't the Red Sword Sect even more remote? Why didn't you tell me?" The elder of the Shengzong who was dragged behind him knew that what he said was the truth. The other courtyard in his home was indeed a bit too remote, which was not good. In retort, he just pointed at another Holy Sect elder and said angrily.

"Hey, hey, hey, why are you dragging me into the Red Sword Sect for no reason?" The thin old man in front of Gu Fenghua was even more angry. He was obviously the elder of the Red Sword Sect who was shot innocently.

"Forget it, don't argue anymore. When it comes to convenience, my Jueming Sect's villa, located in the center of Beiyuan City, is the most convenient. Let me fulfill this landlord's friendship on your behalf." Another tall old man said.

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