My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4959 4959 Of course they won’t know

"Why?" So, the previous few people stopped arguing and turned to the outside world.

"Didn't you say you want convenience? Is there anything more convenient than my Jueming Sect's villa?" the tall old man said proudly.

Those people were immediately speechless. This is a fact. The Jueming Sect's other courtyard is located in the center of Beiyuan City. Not far from it is the largest market in Beiyuan City. If you want to buy any natural materials and earthly treasures, it is indeed the most convenient.

"But the name of your sect is not good." An elder from the Holy Sect was speechless for a while and then spoke again.

"What's wrong?" the tall old man asked inexplicably.

"Jueming Sect, Jueming Sect, are unlucky." The sect elder said.

"Yes, yes, it's unlucky." Several other elders from the Holy Sect also echoed.

In private, they had joked about the name of Jueming Sect, but this was the first time they said it in front of their faces. After all, they were both elders of the Holy Sect, so it would be too disrespectful to make such a joke. But at this time, for the long-term plan of their sect, they couldn't care so much.

"Qiu Wanli, how dare you insult my sect and seek death!" The tall old man obviously had a hot temper. Hearing this, he became furious and punched out.

The Holy Sect elder who spoke knew that he had a bad temper, and had already guessed that he was going to make a move, so he immediately stepped aside to avoid it.

The other Holy Sect elder behind him was unprepared. He was hit in the face by this punch, and his eyes suddenly turned black.

"Yu Tianxing, I didn't say anything, why are you venting your anger on me!" As an elder of the Holy Sect, no one is a good person. This man covered his eyes with one hand and swatted away with the other hand.

Although the old man named Yu Tianxing was tall, his movements were extremely agile and he avoided the slightest movement of his feet. Then, this palm fell on the face of another Holy Sect elder.

"Du Fanyun, you are blind, how dare you attack me!" The old man who was accidentally injured touched his hot and sore face and flew away with one kick.

Punches and kicks were exchanged, and accidental injuries were inevitable. Several more roars soon rang out from the crowd. As a result, the elders of various sects who had been harmonious before quickly turned against each other and became enemies. You punch me, I slap him, and he kicks you again, and everything becomes a mess.

Are these old men who are swearing, punching and kicking really the elders of the Holy Sect? Seeing with their own eyes that an old man was grabbed by his hair and knocked over by another old man, and then another old man rode on him and flattened him. Gu Fenghua and others looked at each other in a cold sweat.

Next to them, the disciples who came to greet their elders were also stunned, with their mouths open in a daze, and their jaws almost dropped to the ground.

Having seen their elders bowing to their knees in respect when facing Gu Fenghua, these sect disciples were already full of doubts: Who is this girl, and why do the elders value her so much?

But now, they realized that they were wrong. The elder did not just value her. In order to invite her to stay in his sect for a few days, they actually fought and fought to the death.

Please, you are the elders of the Holy Sect and the elders of the Holy Sect. You don’t have to be so humble even when facing the emperor’s envoys!

Of course they don't know that in the minds of their elders, Gu Fenghua is destined to surpass Jun Envoy. If they only look at the power of that sword, she is even above Jun Envoy now.

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