My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4967 4967 Gu Fenghua has an intuition

At this moment, a group of people from the front came towards me menacingly.

As soon as they entered the city, they saw two groups of people fighting each other. Gu Fenghua and others were used to the chaos in Beiyuan City. When they saw these people coming towards them, they thought that the third fight was about to start again, so they didn't pay much attention. It wasn't until these people came close and suddenly stopped, and at the same time hundreds of figures quickly approached from all directions, surrounding them, that Gu Fenghua and others realized something was wrong.

"Who are you?" Zhu Sifang asked calmly.

As worthy of being the president of the Yunhe Chamber of Commerce, one of the three major chambers of commerce, although he was trapped in a tight siege and the opponent was obviously not weak, Zhu Sifang did not panic at all and remained calm and composed.

"Hahahaha, Chairman Zhu is here. I couldn't greet you from far away. I'm so rude." The crowd blocking the front parted, and a tall middle-aged man with a tough face came over laughing.

"Master Qu, if this is how you treat guests of the Setting Sun Sect, I would be flattered." Zhu Sifang said with a cold snort.

It turned out that this person was Qu Dangyuan, the leader of the Setting Sun Sect. Gu Fenghua couldn't help but look at him a few more times, and saw that although he was smiling, his eyes were looking at him coldly, intentionally or unintentionally.

Gu Fenghua had an intuition that Qu Dangyuan was here for him.

It's strange. Have you ever offended him before? Gu Fenghua searched his mind, but he couldn't think of when he had seen this person.

Or, when did you offend someone from the Setting Sun Sect? This is even more impossible. They have not been in Lingji Realm for a long time, and apart from staying in Yunchuan Sect for some time, they spent most of their time on the Yundu Feizhou. How could they have the chance to offend the Setting Sun Sect? people?

"You are Gu Fenghua, right?" Just when Gu Fenghua was secretly wondering, Qu Dangyuan's eyes had swept across everyone, and finally rested entirely on her.

When he was far away before, he couldn't see clearly. Now when he stood closer, he realized that Gu Fenghua was younger than he thought.

Can such a little girl really kill Teng Hongtu? Even a sneak attack and plot is unlikely. Wen Longyuan wouldn't be hiding anything from him, right? Qu Danyuan was a little doubtful of Wen Longyuan's words.

"I'm Gu Fenghua." It seemed that he really came to find me. Of course Gu Fenghua would not deny it, but said calmly.

"Sect Master Qu, are you here to see Fenghua?" Zhu Sifang frowned.

He thought someone from the Chamber of Commerce had accidentally offended the Can Yang Sect, or was involved in the dispute between the Can Yang Sect and the Xuangang Sect. He was still thinking about countermeasures in his mind. Unexpectedly, Qu Dangyuan was looking for Gu Fenghua. And looking at this posture, it is obvious that the person who came here is evil, but I don’t know how Gu Fenghua offended the Setting Sun Sect not long after he came to Lingji Realm.

"Haha, it's not that I'm looking for Gu Fenghua, but someone else." Qu Dangyuan said.

"Gu Fenghua, do you recognize me?" As soon as he finished speaking, a middle-aged man with a gloomy face stood up from behind Qu Dangyuan, his eyes fixed on Gu Fenghua, full of hatred.

If looks could kill, Gu Fenghua had no doubt that he would be skinned, cramped, bruised, and ashes thrown away in an instant, until he could no longer die.

Who is this? I provoked him, how could such hatred come from? Looking at the unfamiliar face of the middle-aged man, Gu Fenghua felt that he seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it before.

"Wen Longyuan!" Gu Fenghua did not recognize this person, but Yu Tianxing and others knew his identity, and they all exclaimed in surprise.

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