My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4968 4968 A little misunderstanding

The Zhanxin Sect has become more and more powerful in recent years, and even many Holy Sects have to give in. As elders of the Holy Sect, Yu Tianxing and others are certainly no strangers to Wen Longyuan.

Wen Longyuan, the leader of the Zhanxin Sect! Gu Fenghua and others had always been wary of Zhan Xin Sect. Of course, they had also heard about the leader of Zhan Xin Sect. After hearing the exclamations of several people, they immediately understood the identity of the other party.

Why did he appear in Beiyuan City? Could it be that he came to avenge Ke Yuanhua? Gu Fenghua had expected such a day when she seriously injured Ke Yuanhua, the fifth elder of Zhanxin Sect, outside the Yunhe Chamber of Commerce. In fact, she had already been mentally prepared when she rescued Jing Lichen.

Subconsciously, Gu Fenghua's eyes swept over the people behind Wen Longyuan. What surprised her was that there was no figure of Ke Yuanhua in the crowd. If it was to avenge him, I should be there, right?

Or, not to stand up for Ke Yuanhua, but to avenge Teng Hongtu! Gu Fenghua's heart moved.

Although she was confident that she did not leave any clues when she killed Teng Hongtu, and she believed that the Yunchuan Sect would strictly block the news for the sake of the sect's safety, but Wuji Shengtian was full of strange and wonderful skills, and they were traced to him. Gu Fenghua wouldn't find it too strange.

Anyway, there will be a battle with Zhan Xin Sect as soon as possible. Knowing the origin of the other party, Gu Fenghua calmed down.

Next to him, Zhu Sifang also felt relieved. To be honest, if Gu Fenghua really offended the Setting Sun Sect, even he would feel a headache. After all, this is Beiyuan City and the territory of the Setting Sun Sect. Especially at this juncture when the Hanyun Sect was wiped out and the leader of the Xuangang Sect just passed away, the Setting Sun Sect can be said to be unscrupulous in Beiyuan City, and even the Yunhe Chamber of Commerce may not be so easy to save.

Fortunately, it was not the Setting Sun Sect that Gu Fenghua offended, but the Zhanxin Sect. He had witnessed with his own eyes the grudge between Gu Fenghua and Ke Yuanhua, the fifth elder of the Zhanxin Sect. But in his opinion, that was not a big deal. Wen Longyuan had to give some face to him for standing up for Gu Fenghua.

Obviously, President Zhu Da still lacks understanding of Gu Fenghua.

Yu Tianxing and other elders of the Holy Sect had only seen Gu Fenghua's amazing strength and knew basically nothing about her past. They saw the gloomy look on Wen Longyuan's face and Qu who was obviously here to stand up for him. Dangyuan, but still can't help but worry about her.

Gu Fenghua and the others are strong, but the opponents are two major holy sects (the Setting Sun Sect is actually not a holy sect, but its strength is by no means inferior to any holy sect). More importantly, this is Beiyuan City, the sect-protecting sect of the Setting Sun Sect. The formation is also one of the great defense formations of Beiyuan City. Once they take action, it will be difficult for Gu Fenghua and others to take advantage.

"You don't have to worry too much, it's just a small incident." Noticing the worried looks on several people's faces, Zhu Sifang gathered his energy to transmit sound and said comfortingly.

"A trivial matter?" Several people looked at him doubtfully. Looking at the postures of Wen Longyuan, Qu Dangyuan and others, it didn't look like a trivial matter.

"Fenghua just had a small misunderstanding with Ke Yuanhua. It will be fine once we resolve it." Zhu Sifang said firmly.

To put it into detail, the conflict between Ke Yuanhua and Gu Fenghua all started because of the woman named Pu Jiaojiao from the Jade Cauldron Sect, and had nothing to do with the Zhan Xin Sect. Even though the Chenxing Sect was involved, the Chenxing Sect had already left the Spirit Realm and was not much different from the Miemen. In his opinion, this was not a big deal.

"Ke Yuanhua, the fifth elder of the Zhanxin Sect?" asked an elder of the Holy Sect.

"Yes, that's him. Back in Guzhou City..." Zhu Sifang calmly talked about the whole story of the grudge between Gu Fenghua and Ke Yuanhua.

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