My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4969 4969 Is this too trouble-making?

"So that's it, then there's nothing to worry about." After listening, Yu Tianxing and others felt relieved. Such a trivial matter was nothing serious in their eyes. Wen Longyuan and Qu Dangyuan were clearly making a fuss out of a molehill.

Zhu Sifang and Yu Tianxing gathered their energy to communicate and discussed privately. Wen Longyuan did not speak in a hurry, but reached out and gestured quietly behind his back.

Having witnessed the battle between Gu Fenghua and Zhong Lingxiu, he did not dare to be careless about Gu Fenghua, for fear that the disciples of the Setting Sun Sect brought by Qu Dangyuan would underestimate the enemy and let Gu Fenghua go. At the critical moment, he was the one who could be trusted.

Several elders and deacons of Zhanxin Sect understood and quietly dispersed. Soon, they chose the best position, held the sword hilt tightly, and only waited for the master's order to attack with all their strength. That's it for other people. If you can kill them, kill them. If you can't kill them, let them go. Only this Gu Fenghua will never give her any chance of survival.

They also witnessed the battle between Gu Fenghua and Zhong Lingxiu, and they knew that if Gu Fenghua was let go, Zhan Xin Sect would be in endless trouble, and it would not be surprising that it would be destroyed in her hands one day.

"So it's Sect Master Wen. I wonder what Sect Master Wen wants to do with me?" Of course Gu Fenghua paid attention to the actions of everyone in the Zhanxin Sect, but he just pretended that he didn't see anything and asked calmly.

If the Zhanxin Sect really came for Teng Hongtu, it proves that they must have found some clues. Since they can find themselves, they can naturally find the Yunchuan Sect. Therefore, if that is the case, let's just end it today.

"Gu Fenghua, are you still pretending to be crazy now? Will my sect elder Teng Hongtu die in your hands?" Seeing that everyone in his disciples was ready, Wen Longyuan felt relieved and shouted at Gu Fenghua. .

"What!" Zhu Sifang, who was comforting several elders of the Holy Sect, was startled, and his jaw almost dropped to the ground.

The elders of the Holy Sect who had just calmed down were naturally shocked: Isn't it Ke Yuanhua? Why is Teng Hongtu involved again? Wait, wait, what did Wen Longyuan just say? Teng Hongtu died in the hands of Gu Fenghua?

You know, Teng Hongtu is a strong man of the seventh-grade Emperor Saint. How could he die in front of Gu Fenghua... Oh, by the way, Gu Fenghua is also a seventh-grade Emperor Saint. With a single full-strength sword, he can even erupt with a sword that surpasses the peak of the ninth-grade Emperor Saint. Wei Wei, it would not be surprising to kill Teng Hongtu.

However, it seems that she has only been in Lingji Realm for a short time. Why did she kill Teng Hongtu? Is this too trouble-making?

"Sect Master Wen, is there any misunderstanding about this matter?" Zhu Sifang finally closed his chin and said to Wen Longyuan.

If it was just because of the grudge between Ke Yuanhua and Gu Fenghua, it wouldn't matter, but Teng Hongtu was different. Who is Teng Hongtu? He is the head of the five elders of the Zhanxin Sect! Teng Hongtu owes most of the credit to the Zhanxin Sect for its current prestige. His prestige in the Zhanxin Sect is even higher than that of Wen Longyuan. If Gu Fenghua really killed him, then he and Zhan Xinzong would really fight to the death.

Although Gu Fenghua and others may not be afraid of Zhan Xin Sect due to their strength, Zhan Xin Sect chose to launch an attack in Beiyuan City, which was obviously well prepared. Looking at this posture, the Setting Sun Sect has made it clear that it wants to stand up for the Zhanxin Sect. Even if the Setting Sun Sect is not afraid, don't forget that they still have a city defense formation - the city defense formation that Emperor Beiyuan personally deployed in the past!

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