My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4980 4980 Of course it’s too late to regret now

At this moment, both of their eyes were filled with regret. I originally thought that the two major sects, the Setting Sun Sect and the Heart Sect, had joined forces, but they were calculated on their own. No matter how strong Gu Fenghua and others were, they would still be trapped in a tight siege, and they would have no choice but to die. Who would have thought that with just a little carelessness, Gu Fenghua and others would seize the opportunity and force them into a desperate situation step by step. If I had known this, I shouldn't have said nonsense to them just now. I would have activated the city defense formation and caught them off guard.

Of course it was too late to regret now. Qu Dangyuan wanted to take out the formation disk and activate the city defense formation, but under the stormy attack by Gu Fenghua and others, he didn't even have the chance to take the holy elixir. How could he have the chance to take it? The formation disk activates the city defense formation.

Seeing the sword light getting closer and closer, the two of them could only roar and swing their swords at the same time.

"Crack!" With a crisp sound, the two long swords shattered.

As sect masters, the swords of the two men were naturally of good quality. They were both divine swords inherited from their respective sects. However, even so, they could not last long under the terrifying sword power of the ninth-grade Emperor Saint.

The long sword broke, and the terrifying sword power was even more powerful.

"Crack!" There was another crisp sound, and the token around Qu Dangyuan's waist shattered, and the invisible air shield outside his body disappeared.

Next to him, the Nine Heavens Holy Armor on Wen Longyuan also quietly disappeared after bursting out its last burst of spiritual power.

The powerful sword energy hit the chests of the two of them like a huge boulder, and their internal organs were instantly shattered. The two of them spat out a mouthful of blood, their faces instantly turned pale, and there was only despair in their eyes.

"Lord Sect Leader!" At this moment, several figures flashed past and rushed in front of Wen Longyuan. Two other figures also fell from the sky and blocked Qu Dangyuan.

Golden holy beads appeared between their eyebrows. In front of Qu and Wen were actually two strong men of the sixth grade of Emperor Saint and three of the fourth grade of Emperor Saint.

However, even such a strong man is still vulnerable to the sword power of the ninth-grade Emperor Saint.

"Boom!" In the loud noise, several figures turned into nothingness.

Two dignified experts of the sixth grade of Emperor Saint, plus three powerful men of fourth grade of Emperor Saint, were all destroyed in an instant like this? !

Everyone's eyes widened in surprise, and time seemed to stop at this moment.

"Master Elder, Master Deacon!" But soon, heart-wrenching cries came from the crowd behind them.

Although all this happened in a flash of lightning, everyone still recognized that those who had just appeared in front of Wen Longyuan were the second elder of the Zhanxin Sect and the two deacons of the Protector Hall. Those who descended from the sky to block Qu Dangyuan were They are the Grand Elder and the Ninth Elder of the Setting Sun Sect.

At the critical moment of life and death, this famous strong man actually stood up and blocked the killing blow for his sect leader with his flesh and blood body, and paid the price with his life for it.

Although the three elders and two deacons were instantly wiped out, a glimmer of life was saved for Qu Dangyuan and Wen Longyuan. Before the remaining power of the sword was exhausted, Qu Wen and Qu Wen were sent flying again, and blood mist sprayed wildly wherever they passed. However, with this remaining power alone, it was obviously not possible to kill the two of them.

"Not good!" Gu Fenghua did not expect that the elders and deacons of the Zhanxin Sect and the Setting Sun Sect would be so loyal to their sect master.

Is it easy to cultivate to this point? If you want to die, you should die vigorously, right? Just die silently like this, without even two bubbles popping up. Don't you feel aggrieved? Gu Fenghua was so angry that he wanted to curse. She had forgotten that others died completely silently, didn't they also make a loud noise?

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