My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4981 4981 There is still a chance

Seeing Qu Dangyuan and Wen Longyuan being knocked away again, Gu Fenghua had no time to cry out for the elders and deacons. He gritted his teeth, ignited the power of the Holy Source, and quickly chased after them.

There is a chance, there is still a chance. Both Qu Dangyuan and Wen Longyuan were seriously injured, and even a sword of the first-grade Emperor Saint could easily kill them.

However, Qu Dangyuan had been careless before, and they had taken advantage of him, and then he was forced into a desperate situation step by step. At this time, he had to rely on several elders and deacons to fight for their lives in exchange for a glimmer of hope. How could he make the same mistake again. Almost at the same time as Gu Fenghua set off, Qu Dangyuan had already taken out an array disk from his storage bracelet.

Gu Fenghua's eyes narrowed, and she didn't have to guess to figure out that this was the formation disk that opened the city protection formation, and once the protection formation was truly opened, it would be more than just borrowing the power of the formation.

No, Qu Dangyuan must be stopped and killed before he activates the city defense formation. Gu Fenghua held the sword tightly and burned the power of the Holy Source with all his strength. In the pure land of the spiritual heart, the innate Holy Spirit root of the five spirits united even began to wither.

The man and the sword merged into one, and the slim and beautiful figure was as fast as a shooting star, and it was difficult for the naked eye to catch it.

On the opposite side, Qu Dangyuan was spraying blood while desperately making handprints. Of course he also knew that whether he could save his life depended on whether he could activate the city defense formation before Gu Fenghua's sword struck.

Three feet, two feet, one foot, half a foot! Finally, Gu Fenghua was able to get in front of Qu Dangyuan and thrust out the killing sword.

"Chi!" Sword energy penetrated from the long sword wrapped in silk cloth, directly piercing the vital part of the heart, and a blood arrow spurted out.

Success! Not far behind, Zhu Sifang and others were filled with ecstasy.

Before this, none of them had the luxury of expecting to kill Qu Dangyuan on the spot. After all, this is Beiyuan City. There are countless masters of the Setting Sun Sect and there is a large city defense formation. Even if the envoy comes in person and wants to kill Qu Dan It's not even possible. Unless Qu Dangyuan did nothing and just stood there stupidly waiting for someone to kill him. But was Qu Dangyuan that stupid? Not to mention Qu Dangyuan, no one with a little bit of brain would be so stupid.

But what they didn't expect was that Gu Fenghua was so bold and decisive, attacking with all his strength one sword after another. Although Qu Dangyuan did not stand there stupidly waiting for her to kill, he She also made the mistake of underestimating the enemy, and she seized the opportunity to pursue him fiercely, and then was directly forced into a desperate situation by her.

The last sword penetrated directly into the heart. Even if Qu Dang had the cultivation level of the eighth-grade Emperor Saint, he would definitely die. Once Qu Dangyuan dies, the Can Yang Sect will be leaderless. How much trouble can a single Zhan Xin Sect cause? Besides, once Qu Dangyuan dies, will Wen Longyuan still have a way to survive?

Sure enough, fate is not as good as man. Qu Dangyuan never imagined that Gu Fenghua would be so courageous, let alone that the four of them would be so powerful with one sword! Zhu Sifang and others had originally raised their concerns, but now they finally realized it and almost laughed out loud.

Wait, that’s not right, it’s not Qu Dangyuan! However, before they could laugh out loud, their expressions changed again.

The person whose heart was pierced by Gu Fenghua's sword turned out to be not Qu Dangyuan, but a young man with an equally tough face who bore a striking resemblance to Qu Dangyuan. His heart veins were broken, his vitality quickly dissipated, and the three golden holy beads between his eyebrows also turned into wisps of golden light and disappeared between heaven and earth.

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