My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4988 4988 Where does he get his confidence?

"Great Elder, he, he is the young master of our Xuangang Sect?" an old man next to Lu Changsheng asked in disbelief.

"Yes, this is the sect leader's death. I will explain it to you later." Lu Changsheng replied, looking extremely helpless.

Yes, it's just helpless. From the moment he appeared until now, he has always had such a helpless expression.

"It turns out it's the young master of the Xuangang Sect. Okay, okay, Lu Changsheng, is your Xuangang Sect determined to fight to the death with my Can Yang Sect?" The old man seemed to want to ask something else. Qu Dangyuan was opposite. But he already said with a sneer.

"Zongzhu Qu's words were serious, and they were all mistakes..." Lu Changsheng was obviously very afraid of Qu Dangyuan. His expression changed when he heard this, and he quickly explained.

"Ah... Ouch! You dare to attack my friend. God bless you, the Setting Sun Sect, and you will not be destroyed. You still dare to babble and think we are scared." Before he could finish his words, Fang Tianyou Just spit it out.

Lu Changsheng had a look of astonishment on his face, his mouth opened, and he could no longer say the next words. In the end, he just slapped his forehead heavily, his expression even more helpless.

The other Xuangang Sect elders and disciples looked at their young sect leader who had appeared out of nowhere with strange eyes, and felt cold in their hearts.

The strength of the Xuangang Sect was originally slightly inferior to that of the Setting Sun Sect, but now that the leader of the clan passed away unexpectedly, the Hanyun Sect collapsed overnight, and no one could contain the Setting Sun Sect anymore. What they were most worried about now was that the Setting Sun Sect would inflict eight hundred wounds on themselves and a thousand enemies to destroy the Xuangang Sect in one fell swoop. They didn't expect that Fang Tianyou would actually utter such arrogance in front of Qu Dangyuan. Where did he get the confidence?

Forget about them, after hearing Fang Tianyou's shouting, Gu Fenghua and others looked at each other speechless for a while. If they had successfully killed Qu Dangyuan with one blow, and then joined forces with the Yunhe Chamber of Commerce, the Jueming Sect and other major holy sects to help the Xuan Gang Sect, they would have a great chance of destroying the Setting Sun Sect.

But unfortunately, thanks to the sacrifice of several powerful men from the Setting Sun Sect, Qu Dangyuan escaped in the end. With his cultivation as an eighth-level Emperor Saint, coupled with this city-protecting formation, Xuan Gang Sect's attempt to destroy the Setting Sun Sect is nothing more than a dream. Being able to fight to the death would probably be the best outcome.

As expected, Young Master Fang, once he became arrogant, still couldn't find his way. It seems that after being apart for so long, he has completely forgotten the lessons they taught him.

"" Even when the Hanyun Sect's leader Luo Yuancheng and the Xuangang Sect's leader Jiang Mingyuan were alive, they wouldn't have dared to say such arrogant words in front of themselves. Qu Dangyuan was so angry that his whole body was shaking and he couldn't even speak. Not coming out.

"What are you doing? Why don't you get out of here before I get angry? You really think I can't bear to kill you." Fang Tianyou said with disdain.

"Seeking death!" Qu Dangyuan was furious, really furious. With a roar, he picked up the formation plate again and made a hand seal, but as soon as the runes flashed, his whole body was shaken, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. He was originally seriously injured, but he just relied on his anger to support his body. At this time, Fang Tianyou was so angry that he could no longer suppress the churning energy and blood in his body. He fell down on his back and fainted.

"Sir!" Several Cangyang Sect elders quickly supported Qu Dangyuan. One of them took the formation plate in his hand and looked at Lu Changsheng and others warily. Although they did not continue to print hand seals, they were obviously ready to take action at any time. Prepare.

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