My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4989 4989 Huh, they know each other

Seeing Qu Dangyuan fall, Lu Changsheng raised his eyebrows slightly, his eyes flashed, and he pressed his fingers on the hilt of the sword, as if he was about to make a decision. But then seeing the elder's reaction, his eyes became hesitant again, and finally, he let go of the hilt of the sword.

"Let's go!" The leader of the Setting Sun Sect elder looked deeply at Lu Changsheng, then stayed on Gu Fenghua for a moment, and ordered decisively.

Without hesitation, a group of disciples from the Setting Sun Sect picked up Qu Hong'an's body and moved back. The Zhanxin Sect disciples also followed behind, supporting the seriously injured Wen Longyuan. In just a moment, the two sects of troops left cleanly.

Watching them leave, Gu Fenghua secretly regretted it.

Taking advantage of Qu Dangyuan's serious injury was the best opportunity to eradicate the problem. It's a pity that their holy energy was greatly damaged and they were unable to fight anymore. However, the strength of the elders and disciples of Xuangang Sect was obviously not stronger than that of the other party, and both sides would lose if they fought. We can't blame them for being hesitant and missing the opportunity.

Alas, if the Yunhe Chamber of Commerce and the Jueming Sect and several holy sects had been prepared, they would have had the opportunity to make a final decision at this time. Unfortunately, the matter happened in a hurry, and the few manpower present obviously did not help.

"Huh, they know each other." After Qu Dangyuan and others had gone far, Fang Tianyou turned to Gu Fenghua and said. He didn't take the Setting Sun Sect seriously at all, and naturally he didn't feel any regret in letting Qu Dangyuan go. When he said this, his eyes were full of contempt.

Lu Changsheng smiled bitterly again, and the Xuan Gang Sect disciples who were guarding him all wiped away cold sweat. They were really frightened when they saw Qu Dangyuan picking up the formation plate again and preparing to activate the city defense formation. Fortunately, Qu Dangyuan was so angry that he fainted "in time", otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Do they think they know each other? You know the truth, this is obviously our great blessing, okay?

Where did the great elder find this idiot in front of him? Is he really the young master of their Xuangang Sect? Everyone is deeply suspicious of Fang Tianyou's identity and IQ.

"Fenghua, let's start roasting now. Do you have the ingredients? Do you want me to send someone to prepare them? Elder Lu, prepare a hundred pheasants, a hundred hares, a hundred wild boars for me immediately..." Fang Tianyou Regardless of what they were thinking, after despising Qu Dangyuan, he excitedly said to Gu Fenghua and Lu Changsheng.

"Young Sect Master, should we wait until we return to the sect to talk about the barbecue?" Lu Changsheng slapped his forehead hard a few more times: One hundred pheasants, one hundred hares, one hundred wild boars... aren't you afraid of dying alive? More importantly, is it time for some barbecue?

"Okay, let's go back to the sect first." Fang Tianyou looked around, as if this street was really not a barbecue place, so he nodded and said.

"By the way, Old Lu, I haven't introduced you yet. These are my life and death friends, Gu Fenghua, Luo En'en, Jun Lansheng, and Ye Wuse. This is the great elder of our Xuan Gang Sect, Lu Changsheng, you can just call him Lao Lu." After saying that, Fang Tianyou introduced him to both parties.

Old Lu... Lu Changsheng's veins throbbed on both sides of his forehead. He is the head of the seven elders of the Xuan Gang Sect. Whoever sees him in Beiyuan City must not respectfully address him as "elder". Why does this guy become Lao Lu?

"Juniors have met Elder Lu." Gu Fenghua and others also had black hair, and quickly bowed and saluted before Lu Changsheng became angry.

"Yeah, you guys don't need to be polite. Let's go back to the sect first." Fortunately, Lu Changsheng didn't get angry, but worked very hard to restrain his anger and looked nervously at the direction where the people of the Setting Sun Sect were leaving. , urged anxiously.

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