My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4995 4995 Can you give me something to eat?

However, before he could be happy for long, he realized that something was wrong. Just when he was intoxicated with himself, none of the young people who passed the examination with him ran away. The other disciples of the Wuji Sect also ran around like rabbits, and soon there were no ghosts to be seen. One already.

Then, he saw a murderous Saint Master descending from the sky.

Enemy attack! Young Master Fangda finally realized that the long ringing of the ancient bell was not a welcome ceremony at all, it was an alarm bell, an alarm bell!

Please, can you say hello before you run away? Is it really okay to just leave me alone like this? I am the man who wants to inherit the position of sect leader. At this moment, Young Master Fang’s dream of becoming a sect leader was completely shattered.

He also wants to run, but in the empty hall and the empty square, he is the only one who is proud and independent. Where can he go? So he skillfully put his head in his hands, squatted down, and tried to influence his ninety-year-old mother and two-year-old brother with extremely sincere tears...

His luck was pretty good, probably because he hadn't officially entered the apprenticeship yet, so he didn't have time to change into the holy robe of the Wuji Sect. The other party didn't kill him to vent his anger, but just beat him casually for a few hours, and then Throw him out of the sect.

When he woke up again, he suddenly realized a problem: Wuwang Sect, Wuwang Sect, Wuwang Disaster. Just by hearing the name, you knew that this was a cheating sect.

After finally recovering from his injuries, Young Master Fang lost his soul and continued to wander in the Spiritual Realm like a lonely ghost. He is completely despairing of this deceptive world and is completely loveless.

I don't know how many hardships and ups and downs he went through, but finally one day, when he was so hungry that he was almost starving to death, he met an old man who claimed to be the leader of Xuan Gang Sect.

It’s almost the same line: My little friend, I see that you have a good frame and good qualifications. What’s more rare is that you have a strong mind. I want to accept you as my disciple. What do you think?

If he had heard these words when he had just been thrown out of the spirit stone mine, Fang Tianyou would have spitted on his face unceremoniously, but at this time, he was already dying of hunger, even if he was beaten again He accepted the trick and accepted it, so he could have a full meal after all, right?

So this time, he just looked at the other party with great resentment, blew out bubbles and asked feebly: "Can you give me something to eat?"

Later, he had a full meal as he wished, and then became a disciple of the old man.

Later, he knew that he had wronged this old man and that he was really not a liar. On the first day of his apprenticeship, a lot of pulse-breaking marrow went into his stomach. Even though he had already seen Gu Fenghua's superb alchemy skills, he still couldn't help being frightened when those handfuls of pulse-cutting marrow-cleansing pills appeared in front of him.

After all, Gu Fenghua's cultivation level at the time of separation was not high enough, and the grade of the holy elixir he refined was limited, far from being comparable to the old man's vein-cutting marrow-cleansing elixir.

After cutting off the pulse and cleansing the marrow, Fang Tianyou followed the old man to a secret cultivation realm and started his new way of cultivation.

I have to say that the old man was very nice to him. Not only are there an endless supply of all kinds of elixirs and treasures from heaven and earth, but the martial arts and sword skills he has learned are also of an extremely high level, and the spiritual energy in the secret realm is extremely abundant, even ten times more abundant than the spiritual stone veins he has ever stayed in. Not only that - poor young master Fang Da, since he has been digging black mines for a while, now he uses the spirit stone mine as a reference to measure whether his spiritual energy is sufficient or not.

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