My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4996 4996 What a hard life it is

Under the old man's painstaking teachings, Fang Tianyou's cultivation level has improved rapidly. In just a few years, his cultivation level has reached the fourth level of Emperor Sage.

Logically speaking, he should be happy that he finally got his wish this time, but when he mentioned this past incident, Young Master Fang still had a sad look on his face.

The reason is very simple. The old man believes in the wise saying that a strict teacher will produce a good disciple and a good person will emerge from under the Huangjing tree, and he has put his practice into practice to carry forward this saying. As long as Fang Tianyou slacks off even a little bit in his training, or if he thinks Fang Tianyou is slacking off even a little bit, Young Master Fang will be greeted with a merciless beating. What's even more annoying is that he won't be allowed to eat after the beating.

In the words of the old man, this means that when heaven is about to send a great person to this people, he must first strain his mind, strain his muscles and bones, and starve his body and skin...

Well, this time it's no longer his own imagination, the old man really said that.

In short, except for the delicious meal before becoming a disciple, poor young master Fang Da has never had a full meal in a few years. However, the legendary fried pork with bamboo shoots is a supplement almost every day.

I don’t know how many silent nights, Young Master Fang endured the burning pain that was everywhere in his body, listened to the loud growling in his stomach, and recalled the sound that quietly filled the air when the fat man flipped the spatula. The alluring aroma of vegetables, and the golden roasted chicken and roasted rabbits rolling over in Gu Fenghua's hand, brought tears to his eyes...

What a bleak, miserable life this is! After listening to Fang Tianyou's extremely resentful tone, Gu Fenghua and others all looked gloomy and were speechless for a long time.

To sum up, when Young Master Fang came to Wuji Holy Heaven, his main life experience was to be beaten, his secondary life experience was still to be beaten, and his most important life experience was still... to be beaten.

"It's okay, what happened in the past is in the past." Gu Fenghua patted Fang Tianyou on the shoulder and said comfortingly.

"Well, it's finally over." Fang Tianyou seemed to be still immersed in the tragic memories. He suddenly came to his senses after hearing Gu Fenghua's words, and found that he had burst into tears at some point.

"By the way, where have you been in the past few years? I asked Master to find out, but there has been no news about you." Fang Tianyou wiped his eyes and asked.

"Young Sect Leader, please accompany a few guests first. I have some urgent matters to deal with. I'll come back later." At this time, Lu Changsheng said.

When Fang Tianyou recalled the past, he had already led Gu Fenghua and others back to Xuangang Sect and came to a quiet and elegant courtyard.

"Go ahead and ignore us." Fang Tianyou waved his hand and said.

Lu Changsheng again accused Gu Fenghua and others, and then hurriedly left the courtyard.

"Great Elder, what's going on? Where did Fang Tianyou come from and how did he become the young master of our Xuangang Sect? Are you mistaken?" After going out, he just turned around the corridor and waited. Soon other elders and several deacons gathered around.

Fang Tianyou's appearance was so sudden that none of them were mentally prepared. More importantly, this guy was almost mindlessly arrogant and domineering, even they were ashamed of him.

You must know that the sect master is a serious person and has always been known for his sternness. How could he accept such a second-rate disciple? They were all deeply suspicious of Fang Tianyou's identity.

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