"How could I make a mistake about such a big matter?" Lu Changsheng had known that they would have such doubts and said without hesitation, "The sect leader traveled a few years ago and accepted a successor, and he has been staying in the secret realm. You all know about seclusion and cultivation.

A few days ago, the sect leader knew that his life was about to end, so he specially ordered me to take him back to the sect. He was worried that Xuan Gang Sect would get the news and it would be detrimental to him, so the matter was kept secret. Only the Supreme Elder and I knew about it.

I followed the guiding talisman left by the sect leader and went to the Xuangang Secret Realm to find this person. I checked the young sect leader's order left by the sect leader on his body, and tested his cultivation techniques and sword skills. It turns out that he is indeed the sect leader's personal disciple. "

"If you put it this way, it won't be wrong." Someone sighed. Lu Changsheng's temperament is inherently cautious, and he must be even more cautious when it comes to important matters related to the sect's inheritance. How could he make mistakes.

"Then what should we do next?" asked a disciple.

"According to the sect leader's will, after reporting to the Supreme Elder, it is time to make him the sect leader." Lu Changsheng replied.

"What?" The elders and deacons surrounding him exclaimed in unison.

"Elder, you must not, absolutely must not. This man is arrogant and invisible. If the position of sect leader is passed to him, our Xuan Gang Sect will not be far away from the destruction of the sect." Soon, a The elder said with an anxious look on his face.

To say that Fang Tianyou is arrogant is actually to compliment him. That guy is obviously arrogant and mindless.

"Yes, Great Elder, our Xuan Gang Sect is in a troubled time now. Not long after the sect leader passed away, the guardian spirit beast disappeared inexplicably. Once the news spreads, people's hearts will definitely be divided. Fang Tianyou's temper is too... too out of the ordinary. , I'm afraid it will be difficult to convince the public." Others also followed suit.

"I know what you are saying, but a country cannot be without a king for a day, and our Xuan Gang Sect cannot be without a master for a day. We cannot let it go on like this." Lu Changsheng said helplessly. He had already seen Fang Tianyou's almost mindless arrogance on his way back. Of course he knew that he was not the best candidate for the sect leader. However, the previous sect leader Jiang Mingyuan only accepted three disciples in his life, and the first two died one after another. During the training, the other person who went crazy when he made a breakthrough is no longer alive. Now there is only Fang Tianyou, and he can't find a more suitable candidate.

After hearing his words, everyone else fell silent.

In the eyes of outsiders, the three major sects of Xuan Gang Sect, Can Yang Sect, and Han Yun Sect have controlled Beiyuan City for so many years, one relying on their own considerable strength, and the other relying on the city defense formation, but only they themselves know that. The real reliance of the three major sects is not their own strength or the city defense formation, but the spiritual beasts that protect each sect. Only by relying on the sect-protecting spiritual beasts could they inject spiritual power into the array and activate the city-protecting formation.

It is said that the sect-protecting spirit beasts of these three sects are all alien species from ancient times. They fought side by side with the three sect masters during the catastrophe and had a life-long friendship with them, so they later made contracts with them and became their respective demon pets. . After the disaster, the three sect masters passed away one after another, but the demon pets followed their last wishes and stayed in the three sects they built, becoming sect-protecting spiritual beasts and becoming the key to activating the city defense formation.

After all, Beiyuan City was built by Emperor Beiyuan. The exquisiteness and mystery of the city defense formation are simply not something that others can understand, nor can others control at will.

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