My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4998 4998 The position of leader of this sect belongs to him.

Even though these three founding ancestors were all favorite generals of Emperor Beiyuan, and they were all world-famous strong men, they were still no exception. Only with the help of demon pets and injecting their demon spirit power into specially refined arrays, they Only then can the city defense array be activated.

For tens of thousands of years, every sect leader of the three major sects has made a contract with his or her own sect-protecting spirit beast. In fact, according to the agreement between the founding ancestor and his demon pet before his death, only his disciples and descendants can make contracts with their sect-protecting spirit beasts. Make a contract.

Although Fang Tianyou was still in the mysterious realm of Xuangang when Jiang Mingyuan died unexpectedly this time, and was unable to make a contract with the sect-protecting spirit beast in time, and the sect-protecting spirit beast also disappeared inexplicably, according to the agreement made with the founder of the sect, the sect-protecting spirit beast The sect-protecting spirit beast will never leave the Xuangang Sect. As long as the time comes, Fang Tianyou can still make a contract with it. And only he has this qualification, no one else would be able to do it.

This also means that no matter how arrogant and brainless Fang Tianyou is, the position of leader of the sect belongs to him.

"Forget it, I'd better go see the Supreme Elder first." Lu Changsheng said.

"Tai Shang Elder?" Everyone's expressions became a little strange.

"The sect leader is no longer alive. He must be informed of such a big matter." Lu Changsheng said.

"That's what the Great Elder said. As well as what happened just now, it's best to inform the old man so that he can be mentally prepared." A deacon reminded.

"Of course I know this." Lu Changsheng nodded, dragging his heavy steps towards another small courtyard in the deep garden in the distance.

Watching him leave, everyone had complicated expressions, and some people pressed their ears unconsciously.

"Young Sect Leader is back, okay, okay!" Not long after, Lu Changsheng's figure disappeared into the small courtyard, and then, a hearty laughter came.

This laughter is extremely old, but it is full of energy. Even if it is miles away, it still makes people's eardrums swell.

After the laughter, there was a period of silence, probably because the great elder began to report something else. Not long after, the old voice suddenly sounded again, but this time it was not a laugh, but an exclamation, or a scream: "What did you say, you, you did something to Qu Dangyuan, ah... "

The trembling screams were earth-shattering and even more powerful. The elders and deacons who stayed there were well prepared and all covered their ears.

However, the scream only lasted halfway before it stopped abruptly, as if someone had strangled the neck violently. Several elders and deacons released their hands covering their ears and let out a long breath.

"How could you provoke the Setting Sun Sect at this juncture, and the one you provoked was none other than Qu Dangyuan? You're confused, you're confused." After a long silence, the old voice sounded again. This time, he was obviously furious, and even a little crying.

"Why did he cause such a big disaster as soon as he came back? No, no, no, I have to talk to him. I have to ask him to go to the Can Yang Sect to apologize quickly. Otherwise, our Xuan Gang Sect will be destroyed." Immediately afterwards. , they saw a white-haired old man rushing out of the yard and running towards the small courtyard where Fang Tianyou was in panic.

Because I was too uneasy and restless, I fell down hard when I was halfway through the run. When I got up, my mouth was full of mud.

Seeing this scene from a distance, the elders and deacons of the Xuan Gang Sect all put their hands on their foreheads and were speechless: This old man was obviously frightened. Is he really the supreme elder of the Xuan Gang Sect? The sect is unfortunate, the sect is unfortunate!

At the same time that the great elder of the Xuan Gang Sect was panicking and following Dou Liantian to see Fang Tianyou, Qu Dangyuan of the Setting Sun Sect was slowly waking up.

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