"Hong'an, let's go, leave me alone, let's go quickly, ah..." His eyelids twitched a few times, and he suddenly exclaimed.

In coma, he seemed to be in a dark dream. A ray of snow-cold sword light suddenly cut through the darkness and pierced towards the vital point of his heart. He wanted to dodge, but his body seemed to be tightly imprisoned by an invisible net. No matter how hard he tried, he could not Move even a tiny bit. Fear like never before arose from the dream.

At this moment, a familiar figure stood in front of him, allowing the Xuehan sword light to pierce his heart and take away his young life. This figure is none other than his only son, Qu Hong'an, the young master of the Setting Sun Sect.

In an instant, Qu Dangyuan's heart was as sharp as a knife. Even in his dream, he could feel a cold sweat on his face, and even his holy robe was soaked with sweat.

Opening his eyes, Qu Dangyuan gasped for air and looked around, but he did not see his beloved son. He only saw the sad faces of the elders and deacons of the Setting Sun Sect.

"Hong'an..." Qu Dangyuan shouted softly, his whole body trembling, and tears welled up in his eyes.

All of this is not a dream. Just a few hours ago, in order to save him, his only beloved son died in front of him.

"People cannot be resurrected after death, so please express your condolences, Master." Several elders of the Setting Sun Sect comforted each other in unison.

"Gu Fenghua, I'm going to kill her. I'm going to cut her body into pieces, file her bones into ashes, and make her immortal forever!" Such comfort was of course meaningless. Qu Dangyuan gritted his teeth and roared, and then He stood up suddenly and jumped off the bed.

"Kill Gu Fenghua to avenge the blood of the Young Sect Master, the Great Elder and the Ninth Elder!" Several other disciples of the Setting Sun Sect also shouted with grief and anger on their faces, with tears streaming down their faces.

Those who died under the swords of Gu Fenghua and others were not only Qu Hongan, but also the Grand Elder and the Ninth Elder of the Setting Sun Sect, who were their disciples.

"Pfft..." As soon as he finished speaking, Qu Dangyuan's figure shook and another mouthful of blood spurted out.

His injuries were too serious. Even though he had taken the Holy Healing Pill when he was unconscious, it did not heal so quickly. At this time, he was filled with anger and the injury recurred.

"Sir Sect Master!" The elder deacon next to him hurriedly took a few steps forward and helped Qu Dangyuan with all his hands.

"Lord Sect Master, we must avenge the blood feud between the Young Sect Master and the two elders, but your old man's injury has not healed, so this matter needs to be discussed in the long run." The second elder took out the healing holy pill and gave it to him, and then persuaded him hard. .

"Sir, Sect Master, I have sent people to secretly keep an eye on the whereabouts of Gu Fenghua and others. They have gone to Xuangang Sect at this time. There are plenty of opportunities for revenge, so there is no need to rush." ​​The third elder helped Qu Dangyuan sit down on the hospital bed. He also followed the advice.

"Okay, okay, what a Xuangang Sect. If I, Qu Dangyuan, don't defeat the Xuangang Sect in this life, I will never be a human being!" Qu Dangyuan said with red eyes and a look of hatred on his face.

If it hadn't been for the intervention of the Xuangang Sect, Gu Fenghua and others would have died under the city defense formation. His hatred for the Xuangang Sect was even greater than his hatred for Gu Fenghua.

However, after he heard that Gu Fenghua and others went to Xuangang Sect, he calmed down a lot.

As one of the three major sects in Beiyuan City, even if Xuangang Sect's strength is slightly inferior to that of the Setting Sun Sect, it can still activate the city defense formation. If it really fights for its life, the Setting Sun Sect will not take much advantage. The so-called fight to the death was just a matter of anger. Even if he was willing, others would never let him gamble with the tens of thousands of years of the Setting Sun Sect's foundation for a moment of anger.

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