My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5002 Is 5002 really that delicious?

Alas, we should have stuck to our guns and tried our best to prevent the sect leader from seeking revenge on Gu Fenghua. Wen Longan secretly regretted it.

But now it is obviously too late to regret. In order to stand up for their Zhan Xin Sect, the Can Yang Sect died two elders and Qu Dangyuan’s only beloved son. If Zhan Xin Sect stops now, I am afraid that the Can Yang Sect will be the first to do so. It’s not the Xuan Gang Sect that they want to destroy, but their Zhan Xin Sect.

I just hope that the Setting Sun Sect can really defeat the Xuangang Sect as Qu Dangyuan said. As long as the Xuangang Sect is destroyed, Gu Fenghua and others will certainly die, and he doesn't have to worry about anything.

However, can the Setting Sun Sect really defeat the Xuangang Sect? Although they had already heard some rumors when they came, they knew that the Xuangang Sect's guardian spirit beast was missing, so logically speaking, they would definitely not be able to escape. But for some reason, he still felt strongly uneasy. All kinds of ominous premonitions are always lingering in my mind and cannot be dissipated.

"My lord, all the people are here." Just when Wen Longan was secretly worried, the second elder said to Wen Longyuan.

In front of him, there was a crowd of people. In addition to the elders and deacons of the Setting Sun Sect, there were also the guest ministers hired by the sect with large sums of money to serve as worshipers, as well as the sect's powerful men of heavenly rank and above. They all came out this time, numbering in the thousands.

"Let's go!" Qu Dangyuan shouted, leading many strong men from the Setting Sun Sect and the Zhanxin Sect towards the Xuan Gang Sect.

Wen Longan shook his head and followed helplessly.

In the quiet courtyard, the breeze blows gently, and the tempting aroma of meat fills the air.

"Gudong, Gudong, Gudong." Next to him, Fang Tianyou swallowed hard.

After being hungry for so many years, he couldn't remember how many times he recalled this alluring aroma in his dreams. Even every time he woke up from the dream, the pillow was wet and full of saliva.

At this moment, looking at the golden-colored roasted chicken and roasted rabbits under Gu Fenghua's hand, poor young master Fang burst into tears.

"Okay, you can eat." Finally, Gu Fenghua picked up a freshly roasted pheasant and handed it over.

Fang Tianyou was waiting for her words. As soon as he heard her speak, he immediately rushed in front of her like a hungry wolf pouncing on food. He took the roast chicken with trembling hands and took a big bite without caring about the heat. .

The familiar delicious food poured into his mouth, occupying every taste bud of his, and filling every space in his heart. The tears that had been brewing for a long time finally rolled down.

"It's so good... um... delicious... um... this is the real delicious thing... um..." In just one bite, he chewed off a fifth of the roast chicken without chewing more. He swallowed it in one gulp, and then started to chew it in big mouthfuls. While chewing, he couldn't help but praise it repeatedly.

"Is it really that delicious?" Hearing his praise, Zhong Lingjun was rather disapproving.

Although he had long given up the idea of ​​seeking revenge against Gu Fenghua and others, he still had some grudge in his heart. If he heard someone say good things about Gu Fenghua, he would instinctively reject them. On the premise that he won't be beaten, he can't help but retort a few words.

Of course, he didn't say this entirely out of grudge, but he also had his reasons.

Although the roasted chicken does smell quite fragrant, the Zhong family has a big business, and he was soaked in honey. He has never tasted any delicacies, so he can't imagine it. It's just a roasted chicken. That’s all, no matter how delicious it is, where can it be?

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