It's probably because this guy was so hungry before that he thought everything tasted delicious. Thinking of the bleak life of Young Master Fang Da, Zhong Lingjun naturally thought this way.

"Hmph, do you know what is delicious?" Noticing Zhong Lingjun's disapproving look, Fang Tianyou was so dissatisfied that he didn't even bother to bite the chicken and said disdainfully.

As a staunch fan, Fang Tianyou would never allow anyone to slight Gu Fenghua in any way, and his barbecue skills were no exception.

"Why don't I know? It's just a roast chicken. What's the big deal?" Zhong Lingjun said unconvinced.

"I'm too lazy to tell you more. You'll know after you try it yourself." Fang Tianyou didn't bother to argue with him. He stopped directly, carefully folded off a small wing tip and handed it to Zhong Lingjun - that's all he could do. A small section of the wing tip, no more.

In fact, he was secretly distressed just to break off this small wing tip, and even worried that he might accidentally fall into the opponent's provocation.

Well, Young Master Fang Da actually had a taste of Gu Fenghua's craftsmanship before. He shouldn't have been so stingy in the first place. In the final analysis, this is all the sequelae of digging up black mines.

"..." Looking at the tip of the wing, which was not much bigger than a fingernail, Zhong Lingjun almost walked away. Even if you feed a dog, you can't be stingy like this. Do you think this is dragon meat?

However, looking at Fang Tianyou's provocative eyes, he still took the tip of the wing. He wanted to see what Gu Fenghua could do with just a pheasant.

This thought only lasted until the moment before the entrance of the wing tip. The next moment, Zhong Lingjun's body suddenly shook, his eyes widened, and his face was full of disbelief.

As soon as the tip of the wing enters the mouth, the indescribable deliciousness spreads, as if there is an electric current flowing through the body in an instant, immersing into the soul.

Zhong Lingjun didn't know how he managed to eat the tip of the wing, because his entire mind was blank, as if time had stopped at this moment.

"How about it, do you know what is delicious and what is delicious?" It wasn't until Fang Tianyou's proud voice sounded again that he finally returned to his senses.

Zhong Lingjun wanted to say something, but he couldn't, because he didn't know how to describe such delicious food, and he was afraid that as soon as he opened his mouth, the aftertaste that remained between his teeth and cheeks would slip away quietly. Therefore, he just stared at the half-roasted chicken left in Fang Tianyou's hand, swallowing involuntarily, with a green light in his eyes.

"It would be nice to let you have a taste. Do you still want it? There is no way." Fang Tianyou subconsciously took two steps back and said with a wary look on his face.

If it had been half a quarter of an hour ago, Zhong Lingjun would have snorted when he saw Fang Tianyou looking like he was facing a formidable enemy: Isn't it just a roast chicken? Do you really think of it as a treasure?

But now, he no longer thinks so. If it were him, he would not hesitate to fight anyone who dared to have the idea of ​​roasting chicken. Even if the King of Heaven came, he would never succeed.

Zhong Lingjun understood the other party Tianyou's mood at this time. Naturally, he would not attack the half roast chicken in his hand. Instead, he directly targeted Gu Fenghua - oh no, it was her subordinate. A few roasted chickens and roasted rabbits.

"Well, Senior Sister Gu..." Zhong Lingjun hunched over, with an unprecedented flattering smile on his face.

"What's wrong?" Gu Fenghua asked while turning over the barbecue with concentration.

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