My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5004 5004 Is this guy thicker-skinned than me?

The roasted chicken that I handed to Fang Tianyou just now was still a little undercooked. These chickens must be roasted more carefully, and they must not lose their quality. When it comes to cultivation, the fifth lady of the Gu family has always pursued perfection, and the same goes for barbecue.

"I didn't expect that Senior Sister Gu not only has profound cultivation, but also makes barbecue so delicious. With such qualifications and understanding, she is indeed a peerless genius that I, the Infinite Holy Heaven, will only encounter in ten thousand years, Gudong." Zhong Lingjun flattered her wildly, and at the end he even said He swallowed hard, and those who didn't know thought he was swallowing at Gu Fenghua.

"Yes, I understand. What do you want to say?" Gu Fenghua didn't misunderstand. He just glanced at him and asked impatiently.

What I can't stand the most is the hypocrisy of disciples from such aristocratic families. If you want to eat, just say so. Why do you talk so much nonsense? Just grilling meat can also be related to qualifications and understanding. How can you make those envoys who don't know how to cook feel embarrassed?

"Gudong, I just want to ask, it will be baked soon, can you give me one?" Zhong Lingjun rubbed his hands and smiled more flatteringly.

"You don't hate us anymore?" Gu Fenghua raised his head and looked at Zhong Lingjun with interest.

"Senior Sister Gu, are you kidding? How could I hate you? It was my fault in the first place, and you punished me. It was all my own fault, and you were not at fault at all. Speaking of which, I should actually be nice. It’s only right to thank you. As the saying goes, good medicine is bitter to the mouth and good for the disease, and good advice is hard to the ears and good for action. If I hadn’t been awakened by you, how would I have known that there are people outside the world and there is a heaven outside.

I have learned a lot these days, and looking back on the past, I realize how ignorant and bastard I was in the past, so I made up my mind to change my ways in the future, practice hard, and be an honest person. In the future, if I, Zhong Lingjun, am successful in my cultivation, I will have to thank Senior Sister Gu for your teachings, Gudong. "Zhong Lingjun bowed deeply to Gu Fenghua and said it with conviction and emotion. If he didn't swallow the saliva in the end, the effect would be even better.

Next to him, Fang Tianyou was stunned for a moment: This guy seems to be quite thick-skinned. He is much stronger than himself before.

Next to her, Zhong Lingxiu was even blushing with embarrassment, wishing she could find a hole in the ground and burrow down.

Learn from the pain, change your past, practice hard, and be an honest person. When did Zhong Lingjun have such ambitions? Why didn't she know about it?

For the sake of a mere roast chicken, this precious brother really didn't even want to lose his face. He might as well just sell himself to Gu Fenghua.

No, no, she doesn’t have such a shameless brother who has no self-respect or self-love!

"Okay, okay, stop talking, here it is." Gu Fenghua didn't expect Zhong Lingjun to be so thick-skinned and talk nonsense so easily. He was so shocked that he handed over a roast chicken. It would be really disgusting to have to gag him and let him continue talking.

"Thank you, thank you, Senior Sister Gu." Zhong Lingjun happily took the roast chicken and gnawed it while holding it.

"Eat slowly, if it's not enough, there will be more later." Gu Fenghua said and took two more washed and skinned pheasants and put them on the barbecue.

She has seen many dandies like Zhong Lingjun. In the final analysis, he is just a child who has not grown up. Seeing the way he was devouring food but still showing his true temperament, Gu Fenghua couldn't help but think of those friends in Xinghua Capital who once regarded her as a thorn in their flesh, but later became friends with her through thick and thin, and felt even more cordial.

Seeing the soft and frank smile on Gu Fenghua's face, Zhong Lingjun was slightly startled.

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