My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5009 5009 If they don’t run away quickly, why are they waiting?

"Senior, this matter has nothing to do with Elder Lu. Qu Hong'an and the two elders of the Setting Sun Sect died in our hands." Gu Fenghua certainly didn't want Lu Changsheng to suffer unjust injustice, so he took the initiative to say to Zhan Shibai.

"Who are you?" Lu Changsheng was startled when he heard the words. He followed the sound and then noticed that Gu Fenghua and others were not disciples of the Xuangang Sect, and asked doubtfully.

"They are my best friends. This is Gu Fenghua, this is Luo Enen, and this is..." Fang Tianyou introduced them one by one.

"Oh, oh, oh, you just said that you killed Qu Hong'an and the two elders of the Setting Sun Sect?" Every time Fang Tianyou introduced someone, Zhan Shibo said "oh" and finally asked excitedly.

As long as Qu Hong'an and others didn't die in the hands of their Xuan Gang Sect, then the matter was not as bad as he thought, and there was still room for change.

"Yes, we killed him." Gu Fenghua said with certainty.

"Hahahaha, that's good, that's good. Things are easy to handle. Come here and follow me." After receiving the affirmative answer, Zhan Shibo was overjoyed and said to Gu Fenghua and others with urgency.

"Hey, you don't want to hand Fenghua and the others over to the Setting Sun Sect? Let me tell you, there is no way! They are my life and death friends. If you want to hand them over to the Setting Sun Sect, then just hand them over to me too. Let's do it." Seeing his overjoyed look, Fang Tianyou had an ominous premonition in his heart and immediately became furious.

"Who said I want to hand them over to the Setting Sun Sect?" James Bai said angrily.

"Then where do you want them to go?" Fang Tianyou asked.

"Run away. They have caused such a big trouble. If they don't run away quickly, what are they waiting for? Are they waiting to die?" Zhan Shibo said, blowing his beard and staring.

Hearing his words, Gu Fenghua and others were a little surprised.

Seeing the joy on Zhan Shibo's face earlier, they had the same idea as Fang Tianyou, thinking that the little old man was going to hand them over to the Setting Sun Sect in order to calm Qu Dangyuan's anger. However, they did not expect that although the old man was irritable and frizzy, he was not too angry at all. The elders should be calm, but they were not completely responsible. At least, they were given a chance to survive.

"What will happen to Xuan Gang Sect if we leave?" Gu Fenghua asked.

"As long as you leave Beiyuan City in front of the people in the city, our Xuangang Sect will have an excuse. After all, the young sect leader and you are life-and-death friends, and we cannot ignore death. This matter is reasonable and no one can say no. As for the Can Yang Sect wanting to take revenge, since you have all left anyway, they will naturally look for whoever they should go to. They can’t force us, the Xuan Gang Sect, to make friends with you, right?” Zhan Shibo said with a sad face, obviously lacking in confidence.

"Then, what if they insist on forcing us to surrender?" asked a deacon.

"Then just promise them, let's wait for a while." James Bo sighed and said with a look of helplessness.

"Then what if they take action?" The deacon then asked.

"Do it? Probably not. The dispute between sects is not a child's play. Nowadays, Beiyuan City is suddenly in chaos. I don't know how many sects are watching. The Setting Sun Sect will not easily break up with us, unless..." At the end , James Bai frowned slightly, showing a bit of worry.

"Elder Lu, something bad is going on, something is going wrong!" At this moment, Zhu Sifang, Yu Tianxing and other elders from the Holy Sect hurried over.

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