My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5010 5010 I really didn’t guess wrong

When they arrived at Xuangang Sect just now, they did not follow Gu Fenghua to the inner courtyard, but stayed at the door waiting for the branch and various sects to meet up.

"What happened again?" Before Lu Changsheng could speak, James Bai turned his head away like a frightened bird and asked nervously.

"Elder Zhan? Junior Zhu Sifang has met the elder." Seeing Zhan Shibo, Zhu Sifang was startled for a moment, then bowed and saluted.

Zhan Shibo was older and had a higher seniority. He had not been involved in worldly affairs for many years. Many people did not even know that there was such a Supreme Elder in the Xuangang Sect. However, Zhu Sifang had seen him once decades ago and had some impressions.

"Stop being polite, tell me quickly, what happened again?" James was nervous, so he had no intention of being polite to him, so he waved his hand and urged.

"Our disciples heard the news on the way to Xuangang Sect that the Setting Sun Sect is recruiting helpers, which may be detrimental to the Xuangang Sect." Zhu Sifang did not dare to delay and said quickly.

"The disciples of our sect also heard the news when they came that the powerful men above the heavenly level of the Setting Sun Sect, together with the Keqing worshipers, and a group of strong men from the Zhanxin Sect were rushing to the Xuan Gang Sect." Yu Tianxing added.

" did it come so fast?" Zhan Shibai screamed twice, and his face instantly turned pale again.

Afraid that he would faint from being frightened like this again, Lu Changsheng quickly took out a few holy pills for him to drink. At the same time, he put his hand on his back and injected holy energy to help him refine the power of the pills.

"Could it be that they already know? It's terrible, it's terrible now." Fortunately, this time he took the holy elixir in time, and James quickly regained his breath, but he still looked surprised and confused.

Lu Changsheng and others did not speak, but their expressions became unusually solemn.

Hearing Zhan Shibai's words, Gu Fenghua's heart moved. It seemed that he had guessed correctly. In addition to the death of the sect leader, there were other changes in the Xuan Gang Sect.

"By the way, it's just a matter of worshiping the guests of the Setting Sun Sect. Why are there still people from the Zhanxin Sect? How come they got involved with the Setting Sun Sect." After a moment of silence, Zhan Shibai continued to ask.

Although Beiyuan City is dominated by their three major sects, this is mainly because of the city defense formation. When it comes to strength, the Zhanxin Sect is not far behind the three major sects in Beiyuan City. If the Setting Sun Sect gets help from the Zhan Xin Sect, it will be even more powerful. Pills, pills!

"The grudge between us and the Setting Sun Sect actually started because of the Zhanxin Sect." Gu Fenghua explained.

"Oh?" James Bai looked at her with confusion.

"I killed Teng Hongtu, the great elder of Zhanxin Sect." Gu Fenghua said concisely.

"What, you killed Teng Hongtu?" Zhan Shibo screamed... It sounded more like a scream.

"Yeah." Gu Tonghua nodded.

"Huh...huh..." James Bo was a little out of breath again.

"I just killed another Zhanxin Sect elder and two Zhanxin Sect deacons." Luo Enen added.

"Huh...huh..." James was even more out of breath.

"By the way, we also injured Ke Yuanhua, the fifth elder of Zhanxin Sect, and the injury was serious. He is probably disabled." The attentive Ye Wuse added.

"Huh huh huh... ugh!" Finally, poor Elder Zhan rolled his eyes again and fell on his back before he could catch a breath.

"Tai Shang Elder!" Lu Changsheng and others knew that something was not good when they heard his bellows-like breathing, so they were already prepared. At the same time, they stretched out their hands to support him, then pinched Renzhong, and pressed Tianling's According to the spirit of heaven, push the palace and activate blood circulation.

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