My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5011 5011 Let everyone run away

Practice makes perfect, and based on the experience last time, it only took them a moment to revive James Bo this time.

"Pills, pills..." When he opened his eyes, the little old man seemed to be in a state of wandering mind, muttering to himself with dull eyes.

Pills, what pills? Lu Changsheng, Yu Tianxing and others looked at Zhan Shibai in confusion, then at Lu Changsheng and other elders and deacons of the Xuan Gang Sect. Seeing that they were all indifferent to Zhan Shibai's words, they took the initiative to take out a series of holy pills.

The old man is getting older and cannot bear stimulation. He should have refined some holy elixirs that can regulate his energy, rejuvenate his energy and prolong his life, so he should always have them at the ready.

"The Supreme Elder said that our Xuan Gang Sect is going to be finished, it's going to be finished." Lu Changsheng explained awkwardly before they could pass the holy elixir to Zhan Shibai's mouth.

"..." Zhu Sifang and others silently put away the pills.

"Let's go, let's go, Ah Sheng, hurry up and pack your things. Take all my secret manuals with you, and don't forget the fragments of my notebooks. Oh, and my jars of old wine. Take them all with you." Don't fall behind." Hearing Lu Changsheng's explanation, Zhan Shibo was so excited that he suddenly woke up, got up, turned around and ran outside.

"Be careful!" Lu Changsheng and others exclaimed in unison.

Before he finished speaking, a muffled sound of "bang" was heard. The panicked elder had already bumped his head against the door frame and fell on his back again.

The incident happened suddenly. This time, Lu Changsheng and others were completely unprepared. They watched James Bai knocked to the ground. They covered their foreheads with their hands and turned their heads in unison. Shameful, really shameful.

Behind them, Gu Fenghua, Zhu Sifang and others were all covered in black lines: This supreme elder of the Xuan Gang Sect must be a little too timid.

"Sir, where are you planning to go?" Despite being embarrassed, Lu Changsheng stepped forward to help James Shibai up and asked, dumbfounded.

"You are running away, where else can you go? You should also quickly send an order to the whole sect and tell everyone to run away. If you don't run away, it will be too late." The little old man stood up unsteadily and said angrily.

"We've all run away, what should Xuan Gang Sect do?" Another elder couldn't stand it anymore and asked angrily.

"If you keep the green hills, you won't be afraid of running out of firewood. As long as the people are still there and the Xuangang Sect is there, there will be a chance to return to Beiyuan City. But if the people are gone, then there will really be nothing." Zhan Shibo said.

"Elder, do you think we can escape?" a deacon asked with a wry smile.

If it were just these people present, it wouldn't be a big problem to escape, but don't forget that Xuangang Sect is not just them, but also has thousands of disciples. Once they escape, what will happen to the remaining disciples?

"You don't have to worry about this. When it comes to escaping, who in the world can be better than me? I dug the secret tunnel many years ago, and also studied the fragments of the formation left by the ancestor, and arranged two The teleportation formation, although the teleportation distance is limited, is enough to send everyone out of Beiyuan City, and it is enough to escape." The little old man finally gained some energy and said proudly.

"..." Not only the deacon, but also everyone in the Xuangang Sect was speechless.

Gu Fenghua and others were also in a cold sweat. They actually dug a secret passage in their sect and set up a teleportation formation for escape. Is this a plan for a rainy day, or is it a cunning rabbit?

It's no wonder that this old man can live to such a long age and become a Supreme Elder - people who are good at escaping tend to live longer. When they live longer, they can drag all their seniors and peers to death. Who else should he be if he is not a Supreme Elder? ?

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