My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5016 The reason why 5016 can achieve such an achievement

With this brand, no matter where it goes, you can find it and make a contract with it again. "

As he spoke, he had already completed the last mudra. Among the many stone statues, the tallest and oldest one suddenly lit up his eyebrows and cast a beam of light onto the ground.

Five feet away in front of everyone, a monster appeared out of thin air.

"Spin Turtle!" A Xuan Gang Sect deacon exclaimed.

The monster in front of me is huge, nearly ten feet long and wide, with four stubby legs crawling on the ground. It has a thick tortoise shell on its back, and a giant eagle-like head protrudes from the tortoise shell. Isn't it the legendary monster? Beast whirling turtle.

Because of his insufficient status, this was the first time he saw the true appearance of the sect-protecting spirit beast.

"No, it's not a spin turtle. Have you ever seen a spin turtle with wings?" But immediately, another deacon corrected him.

Indeed, although the giant turtle in front of him looked very much like a spinner turtle, it had a pair of bony wings on both sides of its body. Although compared to the huge body that is nearly ten feet long and wide, these wings, which are only one foot long, are pitifully small, and it is probably impossible to flap their wings and fly, but it is enough to prove that the monster in front of you is definitely not a spin turtle. It is another ancient beast, perhaps the descendant of some kind of demon bird and spinner turtle.

As for how birds and turtle monsters can give birth to offspring, it is difficult to verify this. However, one thing is certain. Those who can give birth to offspring across races must have a specific and extremely powerful bloodline.

The Dragon Clan is the most typical example. Each of the nine dragon-born sons is different because the other half of their bloodline comes from different monster races. In addition to the Dragon Clan, other monster beasts that can transcend racial distinctions and give birth to offspring usually also have extremely powerful abilities. Bloodline.

Since both parents have strong bloodlines, their offspring will never be too weak even if their bloodlines are impure.

Of course, these are not the point. The point is that after finding the sect-protecting spirit beast, the next step is to contract it.

"Young Sect Leader, hurry!" Lu Changsheng urged loudly.

"Don't rush, don't rush, I'm busy right now, right?" Fang Tianyou quickly made his fingerprints.

It has to be said that the educational philosophy of the previous head of the Xuan Gang Sect, strict masters, who produce good disciples and good people under the Huangjing tree, still has merit. This set of contract fingerprints seemed extremely complicated to Gu Fenghua, but Fang Tianyou was able to do it with ease and skill.

In Gu Fenghua's memory, Young Master Fang didn't have much talent in the art of sealing. It was obviously acquired through tens of thousands of practices. But judging from her understanding of Fang Tianyou, he definitely didn't have such talent. With his perseverance and perseverance, such an achievement is obviously the result of Huang Jingshu.

After just a few breaths, Fang Tianyou completed this set of profound and complex contract hand seals. I saw two clear water-like halos rising from his feet, one surrounding him, and the other flying up into the air, spinning back down again, trapping the two-winged spin turtle in the middle. The two haloes reflected each other, connecting the man and the beast together.

"Successful!" Lu Changsheng and others cheered happily, and even Zhan Shibai, who was displeased by Tianyou, stroked his long beard and laughed heartily.

After contracting the sect-protecting spirit beast again, they can activate the city-protecting formation without restrictions. They will no longer be afraid of the threat of the Setting Sun Sect, and the old man no longer has to run away. Although running around has become a habit for him all his life, he is getting older after all, and who doesn't want to live a peaceful life for a few days.

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