My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5017 5017 She was actually injured

Did you make it? Gu Fenghua stared at the two contract halos, but felt something was wrong. She herself has three demon pets, and all of them are alien species from ancient times, so it is easy to detect that the contract halo is just an empty form, lacking the aura of soul-soul connection.

"Qiang!" Suddenly, in another halo of light, the two-winged spinner roared like a sharp blade cutting through wood.

The two contract halos suddenly broke open, and a wave of demonic power rushed towards Fang Tianyou. This power is so powerful that it is as solid as a flash flood, rolling and unstoppable.

"Be careful!" Lu Changsheng and others thought that Fang Tianyou had successfully contracted with the sect-protecting spirit beast. They never dreamed that such a change would happen. They all exclaimed instinctively when they saw this, but they had no time to help.

Watching the mountain torrent rushing towards them, it was in front of Fang Tianyou in the blink of an eye and was about to submerge him. Their faces instantly turned pale with fear.

The previous sect leader Jiang Mingyuan only had one disciple left, Fang Tianyou. If he had both strengths and weaknesses, what would happen?

At this moment, Gu Fenghua moved his feet and stood in front of Fang Tianyou, slashing out with the long sword wrapped in silk cloth.

The powerful holy energy of the seventh-grade Emperor Saint came out of the sword, condensed into a dazzling sword light, and collided with the power of the demon spirit like a mountain torrent, making a loud noise that shook the world. There was flying sand and rocks in the house, a dust field, and the entire ground was shaking unexpectedly.

"Fenghua!" After a moment, the dust and smoke dissipated, and Luo Enen and others shouted worriedly at the same time.

At this time, Gu Fenghua had retreated dozens of steps away, and a trace of bright red blood appeared between the fingers holding the sword.

Injured, Fenghua was actually injured. Even though her strength was the same as Zhong Lingxiu, who was also a seventh-level Emperor Saint, the power of this sword definitely reached the eighth-level Emperor Saint. Who would have thought that she was actually injured.

The sect-protecting spiritual beast of Xuan Gang Sect is so powerful!

"I'm fine, don't worry." Gu Fenghua took a Jade Dew Emperor Qing Dan, and the injury on his hand healed quickly.

"God bless you, how are you? Are you injured?" Then, Gu Fenghua turned around and asked Fang Tianyou.

"It's okay." Fang Tianyou nodded, but his face was pale.

Even though Gu Fenghua took action in time to block the power of the demon spirit for him, he was still shaken by the aftermath, and his blood still surged in his chest. Recalling the scene just now, he was even more frightened and his hands and feet were numb: Fortunately, Fenghua took action. Otherwise, with his fourth-grade Emperor Saint strength, facing such power of demon spirits, he would most likely die, or even be shattered into pieces and die without a complete body.

"Thank you, Miss Gu, for your rescue. My Xuan Gang Sect is deeply grateful." Lu Changsheng was also frightened. Seeing that the two of them were fine, he hurriedly stepped forward and said gratefully while checking Fang Tianyou's injuries.

Fortunately, Fang Tianyou only had a surge of energy and blood, but was not seriously injured.

"Young Sect Master, the guardian spirit beast is not here yet?" After calming down, Lu Changsheng looked at the place where the two-winged spin turtle was before and asked worriedly.

As Gu Fenghua slashed out with his sword, the courtyard was filled with sand and rocks, and the two-winged spinner turtle disappeared without a trace again.

"Still." Fang Tianyou said affirmatively.

After saying that, he made his fingerprints again.

Soon, the stone statue's eyebrows lit up, and a beam of light was projected onto the ground. Six or seven feet away, the two-winged spin turtle appeared again. Fang Tianyou didn't stop for a moment, and then made the contract handprint.

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