My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5018 5018 Isn’t that the old turtle?

But this time, before the contract halo appeared, the two-winged spin turtle roared, opened its big mouth, and spewed out a majestic demonic power.

With the previous lessons learned, Lu Changsheng and others did not dare to be careless, and at the same time drew their swords to block Fang Tianyou.

There was another loud bang, everyone was shaken and staggered, and dust began to fly in the yard again. When the dust and smoke dissipated, the two-winged spin turtle was still there.

The faces of Lu Changsheng and others became ugly, and even James Bai frowned. Although the sect-protecting spirit beast was finally found, it looked like it was obviously unwilling to make a contract with Fang Tianyou, which was a bit troublesome.

"Next time, I don't believe I can't deal with this old turtle." After two consecutive failures, Young Master Fang was greatly embarrassed and cursed.

"Cough, cough, that's my Xuangang Sect's guardian spirit beast, so you can't lose etiquette." Zhan Shibai reminded.

Hearing the name of the Hu Zong spirit beast, he also knew how revered this double-winged spin turtle was in the Xuangang Sect. In fact, even if it is not a sect-protecting spirit beast, just because it is the demon pet of the founder of the sect, it is worthy of worship by future generations of disciples of the Xuan Gang Sect. For Fang Tianyou to scream like an old turtle, the Supreme Elder felt very wrong.

"Isn't that the old turtle?" Fang Tianyou curled his lips and said disapprovingly. After saying that, he seemed to have thought of something, and gave a rare explanation, "Old Zhan, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to scold you, even though you are also very old."

"Creak... creak..." Then, the veins on the little old man's forehead popped again, and his teeth grinded together. Originally, he hadn't thought about it in that direction, but when Fang Tianyou said this, it really felt like he was scolding him, or in other words, he was coming to ask for scolding.

After being bored, James didn't want to say anything more and stood aside angrily.

After the hand seals were made, the divine light reappeared between the stone statue's brows, and the two-winged spin turtle appeared, but this time it appeared three feet away. And almost as soon as it appeared, it roared to the sky, flapped its wings and rushed towards Fang Tianyou.

Generally speaking, turtle monsters are the slowest among all monsters, but the double-winged spin turtle in front of them obviously subverts this common sense. Between the flapping of its wings, its speed was as fast as a meteor. It turns out that although its pair of bony wings cannot fly, it can increase its speed to the extreme.

Can this be called a turtle? At such a speed, it is probably not inferior to any other beast.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the two-winged spin turtle turned into a series of afterimages and rushed in front of Fang Tianyou.

Lu Changsheng and others never expected that it would appear so close this time, let alone that its speed would be so fast. They wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

In an instant, their backs were soaked with cold sweat: Fang Tianyou's fourth-grade cultivation level could not be considered weak, but it was nothing compared to this two-winged spinning turtle. If it ignored the Xuan Gang Sect The old love of the previous sect masters killed him, and Fang Tianyou was absolutely dead.

"One sword, cut off the wilderness!"

"Jiutian, Phantom Thunder!"

"Beidou, Ba Tian!"

"Holy soul, the sky is broken!" Fortunately, Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen were already prepared. At the same time, they stood in front of Fang Tianyou and slashed at the two-winged turtle with a sword.

Originally, they shouldn't have dealt harshly with the sect-protecting spiritual beast of the Xuan Gang Sect, but for the sake of Fang Tianyou's safety, they didn't care so much. Fortunately, everyone has seen the power of this double-winged spinner turtle with their own eyes, so they are not worried about hurting its life.

The sword light fell, and there was another piece of flying sand and rocks. The dust cleared and the two-winged spin turtle disappeared without a trace. Fortunately, Fang Tianyou was safe and sound.

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