My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5019 5019 Find an opportunity to beat him up.

However, it seemed that he was quite frightened, his face turned pale and his lips were trembling.

"Young Sect Leader, are you okay?" Lu Changsheng asked worriedly.

Although Fang Tianyou was not injured thanks to the rescue by Gu Fenghua and others, he was obviously very frightened. If he was too frightened and refused to take action, he would be in big trouble.

He obviously underestimated Young Master Fang's courage. He thought back then, after being treated like that by Gu Fenghua, Young Master Fang was still unyielding and treated her like the first time he met her. How could he be so easily frightened?

"What can happen to me? With Fenghua and the others here, what do you think can happen to me? This old turtle really thinks I'm a sick cat if I don't show him how powerful he is." Fang Tianyou failed one after another. Feeling embarrassed, as soon as he heard this, he immediately got angry out of habit, rolled up his sleeves and said murderously.

Seeing this, Lu Changsheng and others were overjoyed: Although this young sect leader's temperament is a bit unreliable, his courage is not bad, and the sect leader did not choose the wrong person.

On the side, Zhan Shibai also nodded secretly. Because he was not very courageous, he always admired young people like Fang Tianyou who were not afraid of tigers at first sight.

That's all, for young people, it's normal to be outspoken without any restraint, so just treat it like a child's talk and don't argue with him. James White thought generously.

"By the way, I'm not talking about you, Lao Zhan, I'm talking about that old turtle." Just as he was thinking this, Fang Tianyou suddenly turned his head and explained to him specially.

What is that old turtle? The implication is, is there still this old turtle? As a result, the veins on the little old man's forehead began to throb again: Bullshit childhood Wuji, this guy is just short of words and needs a beating!

James Bo decided that after this incident, he must find an opportunity to give him a good beating, put a sack on him, hit him with a stick behind his back, hit him with a brick on his head, whatever he wanted. Don't think that this old man can only run away. Back in the day, he was also proficient in all these unique skills. Of course, this is understandable. For a person who can dig secret tunnels in his own sect and be ready to escape at any time, what else can't he do?

After fully expressing his goodwill to "Lao Zhan", Fang Tianyou cheered up and made his fingerprints again and again - yes, he made his fingerprints again and again.

Relying on the soul imprint left by the founder of the sect, every time he finished making his hand seals, the two-winged spin turtle would appear as expected. However, this sect-protecting spirit beast obviously did not want to make a contract with Fang Tianyou and waited for him every time. He started to strike out the contract seal, and before he even started, he was furious and spewed out surging and powerful demonic power.

What is even more frightening is that once the sect-protecting spirit beast disappears, not even Gu Fenghua can detect its energy, and Fang Tianyou can only confirm that it is still in the ancestral hall, but cannot accurately identify it. Determine its specific location.

So, I saw this pair of winged spinners sometimes appearing dozens of feet away, sometimes appearing within three feet, and sometimes even right next to me, but a pair of bone wings flapped as fast as a meteor. Lightning is hard to guard against.

Even though Gu Fenghua and others were prepared and prepared, they were still caught off guard time and time again by its elusiveness.

The only thing they could do was to keep Fang Tianyou safe and sound. Apart from that, there was nothing they could do with the two-winged spin turtle.

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