My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5020 5020 Is he so obedient and honest in front of her?

As for Fang Tianyou himself, needless to say, the contract halo was interrupted again and again, his face was already full of exhaustion, and even his eyes became hollow.

Obviously, such hand seals consume a lot of mental energy, and Fang Tianyou can hardly hold on anymore. And this was thanks to the stick education of his previous sect master, which allowed him to upgrade his cultivation to the fourth level of Emperor Saint in just a few years. Otherwise, he would never have been able to persist until now.

"Young Sect Master, why don't you take a rest first." Several sword beams were slashed out, Lu Changsheng watched helplessly as the two-winged spin turtle disappeared again, and said helplessly to Fang Tianyou.

"No, let's do it again! I don't believe it anymore. My majestic Young Master Fang can't deal with this old turtle." Fang Tianyou said unconvinced. The dignified young master of the sect can't even make a contract with the guardian spirit beast. Where can he put his face if word spreads about it?

A tree is like a skin, and a person is like a face. What Young Master Fang Da values ​​most is face.

It's a pity that if it doesn't work, it won't work. No matter how hard you insist, it's useless. As soon as he finished speaking, his feet fell softly and he fell to the ground.

"Forget it, let's take a rest first." Gu Fenghua grabbed Fang Tianyou's neck and lifted him up like a kitten or puppy.

"No, I don't believe it anymore..." Fang Tianyou was still arrogant.

"Shut up!" Gu Fenghua interrupted him unceremoniously.

She could see that this guy was a tough talker. If he really ignored him and let him continue, he would fall down completely exhausted after two times at most.

"Oh." After noticing Gu Fenghua's unkind expression, Fang Tianyou immediately shut up.

"Open your mouth." Gu Fenghua said again.

"Oh." So, Fang Tianyou opened his mouth again honestly.

Gu Fenghua stretched out his finger and flicked an imperial grade spirit nourishing pill flying out.

Fang Tianyou opened his mouth and stood there honestly, letting Gu Fenghua throw the Holy Pill into his mouth, and then continued to stand there with his mouth open.

"Shut up, why are you still opening your mouth, drinking from the northwest wind." Seeing that he was still opening his mouth stupidly, Gu Fenghua said angrily.

"Oh." Fang Tianyou quickly shut up and swallowed the holy elixir with a gulp.

"..." Seeing that Fang Tianyou was so well-behaved and honest in front of Gu Fenghua, Lu Changsheng was so surprised that he was speechless.

Although they had not been together for long, he had already been deeply touched by the unruly attitude of the young sect leader. Even he, the great elder of Xuan Gang Sect, and the dignified elder Tai Shang, dared to call him "Old Lu" and "Old Zhan" Come and drink, how can you notice others? Sometimes he even found it strange that with his meticulous temperament as the previous sect leader, why would he accept such a second-rate apprentice?

But for such a person with eyes on the top of his head, he was as honest as an obedient little white rabbit in front of Gu Fenghua, which was really hard to understand.

Not only him, but other elders and deacons of Xuan Gang Sect were also a little confused. The one with the calmest expression was Zhong Lingxiu.

Being unruly also depends on whether a person is good or not. In front of Gu Fenghua, no matter how unruly a person is, he will probably turn into an obedient little white rabbit. This is Miss Zhong’s personal experience.

"Elder, do you want to continue?" A deacon looked at Fang Tianyou and then at Lu Changsheng and asked anxiously. The others also looked at him worriedly.

At this time, it was originally the young sect master and the supreme elder who should make the decision. But one of these two people seems unreliable, and the other only takes pills and pills, which makes people feel even more unreliable.

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