My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5021 5021 It’s still because he is too weak

"Take it slow for now. It seems that we are thinking too simply. It is not easy to contract the sect-protecting spirit beast. Maybe we have to think of other ways." Lu Changsheng said thoughtfully.

"What can be done?" the deacon asked immediately.

"..." Lu Changsheng was choked. If he could answer this question, why wait until now, when a group of people are being fooled by a monster and are running around for their lives. Is it interesting?

"It's strange to say that in the past, the sect masters contracted to protect the sect spirit beasts, and nothing seemed to go wrong. What happened today?" Seeing the eldest elder's embarrassment, the second elder helped to smooth things over.

"Yeah, how could this happen? It doesn't make sense?" Others also looked confused.

When the previous sect leader dies, the successor sect leader will immediately make a contract with the guardian spirit beast. This is the tradition of the Xuangang Sect, and it is also the tradition of the other two major sects in Beiyuan City. There has been no exception for tens of thousands of years, and everything is a matter of course. , I have never heard of anyone having a problem, except this time. What is going on?

"Is it because he is not strong enough?" James said suddenly.

Everyone slapped their foreheads and suddenly realized.

Sure enough, Jiang was still very old, and the Supreme Elder's words cleared up their doubts.

Despite the thin spiritual energy and lack of cultivation resources in the entire Spirit Realm, the three major sects guarding the vast treasure house of the Far North Icefield have never lacked cultivation resources. As the sect leader, of course there is no shortage. Therefore, since ancient times, the strength of the sect masters of their three sects has been much higher than that of the other sect masters of the Holy Sect. Even before they succeeded as sect masters, they had already entered the top ranks of the Wuji Holy Heaven.

Compared with previous sect masters, the strength of the young sect master Fang Tianyou appears to be too weak. You must know that demon beasts also have the pride of demon beasts. The more powerful the demon beast is, the more so it is. With such strength, it is probably difficult for him to be recognized by the Twin-Winged Spin Turtle.

However, there was nothing we could do about it. The previous sect leader Jiang Mingyuan had two disciples before, a sixth-grade Emperor Saint and a seventh-grade Emperor Saint. However, the former died sixty years ago and the latter died more than ten years ago. If they had died earlier, Jiang Mingyuan would have had time to train another disciple, but he died too late. Jiang Mingyuan knew that his life span was approaching, and how could he have time to carefully select and train someone like Fang Tianyou? It is actually very rare to reach the fourth level of Emperor Saint.

Fortunately, Fang Tianyou didn't know what they were thinking, otherwise he would have exploded on the spot: What does this kind of person mean? Is it because he has insufficient qualifications or lack of character? Discrimination, this is clearly discrimination against other young masters!

"So, if you want to contract the sect-protecting beast, you can only ask the young sect master to increase his strength as soon as possible?" After a moment of silence, the deacon spoke again.

The others did not respond, but all smiled bitterly. Improving strength as soon as possible is easy to say, but not easy to do. If strength can be improved if they want to, why bother to practice hard?

"I remember that the Patriarch once left a few barrels of the Seven Star Spirit Spring, which may be of use." The second elder thought hard and suddenly said.

Seven-star spiritual spring! Gu Fenghua and others' eyes lit up. Back then, they had relied on the Seven-Star Spiritual Spring to significantly improve their cultivation, and they knew how rare such treasures of heaven and earth were.

With the help of the Seven-Star Spiritual Spring, coupled with Gu Fenghua's Jade Liquid Stone and Zixiao Divine Fire, Fang Tianyou can at least advance his cultivation level to the fifth level of Emperor Saint. Don't underestimate this level. You must know that this is an improvement to the realm of Emperor Saint. If you don't have an excellent opportunity and rely entirely on yourself to practice, you may not be able to achieve such an improvement in hundreds, thousands, or even a lifetime.

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