However, even if you are promoted to the fifth level of Emperor Saint, can you really make a contract with that two-winged spin turtle? After a brief moment of joy, Gu Fenghua was a little doubtful.

"Relying on the Seven-Star Spiritual Spring, the young sect master can only be promoted to the fifth level of Emperor Saint at most. Such strength may not be enough. More importantly, I am afraid that the Setting Sun Sect will not give us so much time." Lu Changsheng also thought of this A little, and he thought more than Gu Fenghua, shook his head, and continued with a wry smile.

After hearing this, everyone was slightly startled, and then they also smiled bitterly.

Finally finding the sect-protecting spirit beast, they were all overjoyed and in high spirits, forgetting about the Setting Sun Sect for a moment.

Calculating the time, the people of the Setting Sun Sect should be halfway there, and it won't be long before they reach the Xuangang Sect.

Fortunately, the Hanyun Sect was destroyed. The major forces originally attached to the Hanyun Sect were busy robbing the sect's property, causing chaos in the city. In order to prevent them from killing and injuring civilians, the Can Yang Sect and the Xuan Gang Sect were not allowed to set up any facilities in the city. There are many restrictions in place, and ordinary strong men cannot control the wind, otherwise they would have killed Xuangang Sect long ago. But even so, it can't be delayed for too long.

"In other words, there is absolutely nothing we can do?" the deacon said sadly.

"It's not completely absent." James said with a solemn expression.

"What can we do?" Everyone looked up at the same time, looking at the Supreme Elder expectantly.

Jiang is still hot when he is old. The Taishang Elder just revealed the secret and found out the fundamental reason why the young sect master cannot contract the spirit beast, which made everyone look at him with admiration: Although the Taishang Elder is a little timid, and it is said that the young There is no limit to what you can do at any time, but having an old man in the family is like having a treasure. After all, he is well-informed and may be able to find a way to solve the problem.

"Avoid the edge for the time being, bear the humiliation and bear the burden, and take your time to figure it out." The Supreme Elder said solemnly every word, with a very tragic expression.


What about avoiding the edge temporarily, what about enduring the humiliation, what about taking it easy, to put it bluntly, it is better to run away.

It seemed that the Supreme Elder would not be willing to let the secret passages he had worked so hard to dig and the formations he laid out be put to use.

"Feng Hua, is there anything you can do?" After taking the Holy Pill, Fang Tianyou became much more awake. He also knew that in this situation, it was impossible for him to contract with the sect-protecting spirit beast. If he continued, he would only be humiliating himself, so he pressed Waiting for the sound, he asked Gu Fenghua Road expectantly.

Gu Fenghua has two demon pets, both of which are from ancient times. When it comes to contracted demon beasts, she is certainly the most experienced. He didn't know yet that Gu Fenghua not only had two demon pets, Jianjian and Obsidian, but also contracted a nine-tailed phantom fox after coming to Wuji Holy Heaven, which was also an ancient alien species.

It's a pity that although Gu Fenghua has three demon pets, he didn't put much effort into making the contract with these three demon pets. The little cheap flower even came to his door by himself. In terms of experience, he is no better than Fang Tianyou. How many.

"I haven't thought about it yet." Gu Fenghua could only say apologetically.

This double-winged spin turtle is too special. Once it disappears, even her powerful spiritual thoughts are difficult to detect, and once it appears, its strength is too tyrannical. Unless it is willing, not even Gu Fenghua knows how to make a contract for a while.

Hearing such an answer, Fang Tianyou was inevitably disappointed. Next to them, everyone in the Xuan Gang Sect was equally disappointed when they heard what the Supreme Elder said.

"It's coming, it's coming!" At this moment, a Xuan Gang Sect disciple shouted and rushed into the courtyard with an excited look on his face.

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