My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5024 5024 He doesn’t want to turn the surprise into a shock

"Yes, the great sacrifice is here, so the Supreme Elder naturally doesn't have to run away." The second elder stopped his hand seals, put away the specially refined storage bracelet, and said with a relaxed look.

The others were equally relieved and stopped.

"Who is the great worshiper?" Fang Tianyou looked at this and that, and asked inexplicably.

He just returned to Xuangang Sect today, and even the elders of the sect have not recognized him yet, so naturally he knows nothing about the grand offering.

"Speaking of our great worshipper, that's a big deal. When you meet his old man soon, young sect master must not lose his etiquette. If our Xuan Gang Sect wants to survive today's disaster, we can count on him. "The second elder kept it secret, probably because he wanted to give Fang Tianyou a surprise. But at the end, he reminded him specifically.

He has already seen what kind of virtue this young sect is. Facing the great elder and the supreme elder who are both "Old Lu" and "Old Zhan", he will not give him any face. If he sees the great enshrinement being like this... he doesn't want to Turn surprise into shock.

"Yes, second elder, don't worry, I understand." Seeing that the second elder spoke so solemnly, Fang Tianyou didn't dare to be careless and nodded repeatedly.

Noticing the changes in the people of Xuangang Sect, Gu Fenghua and others were also secretly curious: Is this great priest of Xuangang Sect really so capable?

"Hahahaha, it's just a trivial matter, just leave it to me." They were not curious for long, and soon, an old but powerful and hearty laughter sounded outside the hospital.

"Hey, this voice sounds familiar." Luo Enen said suddenly.

"It sounds familiar." Gu Fenghua and Fatty Bai nodded.

But it was so familiar that they couldn't remember who the owner of the voice was.

While he was talking, an old man had already entered the courtyard with his hands behind his back, accompanied by James Bo.

The old man has white hair and an old look. He looks a little older than James. However, his waist is straight and arrogant, and his voice is as powerful as Hong Zhong, giving people an inexplicable sense of pressure.

Domineering, when seeing this person, two words appeared in everyone's mind: domineering!

"Junior, I have come to pay my respects to the Great Enshrinement. It has been many years since I last saw you. The Great Enshrinement remains as impressive as before. This is really a blessing to our Xuangang Sect." The second elder took the lead in bowing and saluting.

"Junior, pay homage to the great worshiper, pay homage to the great worshipper." Others also saluted one after another, but they were not as calm as the second elder. They all had tears in their eyes and were so excited that they could not even say polite words.

"Get up, you're not an outsider, you don't have to be polite." The great worshiper waved his hand and said boldly.

The disciple who came to report the news had a good eye. He brought a stone basket from somewhere and placed it respectfully behind him.

"Great Enshrined Lord, my Xuangang Sect is in danger. Please save our Xuangang Sect, Lord Enshrined." As soon as the great enshrined Da Ma Jin Dao sat down on the stone fence, a deacon said impatiently.

"Hmph! Isn't it just the Setting Sun Sect? What's at stake? Our Xuangang Sect is one of the three major sects in Beiyuan City, why are we still afraid of them? As a sect's deacon, the more times like this, the more prudent we must be. Be steady, what a panic!" The great priest snorted and lectured.

"If it were normal times, our Xuangang Sect would naturally not be afraid of the Setting Sun Sect. At worst, we would have to fight them to the death. But now, the guardian spirit beast..." The deacon is quite old. After being trained like this, he only Juelao's face turned red and he quickly explained.

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