My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5025 5025 As for being scared like this?

"Okay, okay, I know everything. It's just that the sect-protecting spirit beast cannot make a contract." Great Enshrined Master Yun Danfeng said calmly.

"Do you know all about the big offering?" the deacon asked.

"Elder Zhan just told me that the guardian spirit beast cannot make a contract. Just such a little trouble, look how scared you all are. As an elder and deacon, you must be steady and steady. "The great worshiper taught him a lesson, but this time he taught everyone a lesson.

As a result, Lu Changsheng and others also blushed.

"Please ask the great worshiper to help the young sect leader!" Of course they did not dare to be angry with the great worshipper. When they heard him speak so confidently, they were all overjoyed, and they all bowed and said with expectation.

"It's a small matter, it's just a small matter. By the way, where is your young sect leader?" The great worshiper raised his neck and asked proudly.

"Great worshipper, this is the young sect leader of my family." The second elder quickly looked at Fang Tianyou and gave him a wink quietly.

"Junior Fang Tianyou, I have seen..." Fang Tianyou was unruly, but he also knew that the old man could not be offended, so he bowed and bowed cooperatively.

"It's you!" Before he could finish his words, the great worshiper's eyes suddenly widened and the smile on his face suddenly disappeared.

Could it be that I have seen this old man? Looking at the stunned face of the great minister, Fang Tianyou was a little confused and looked at him carefully. It's a pity that in the past few years, apart from being beaten for mining and locked up in a small dark room, he really didn't know many people, and he didn't have any impression at all.

Could it be that the great minister and the young sect leader have known each other for a long time? Noting the reaction of the great worshiper, Lu Changsheng and others were also a little confused. However, even if they knew each other, they wouldn't be so surprised...Wait a minute, is it really a surprise? The ghostly look seems to be frightened.

"Huh..." Before they could figure out what was going on, they saw the big worshipper suddenly leaping from the spot and rising into the sky.

What a speed! Everyone was shocked. This speed was actually a bit faster than that of the Supreme Elder. More importantly, his movement skills were unpredictable and infinitely wonderful, far beyond the comparison of the Supreme Elder.

I saw him stretching his arms in mid-air like a white crane with its wings spread out, and then his body swayed like a goshawk fighting a rabbit, and then... "Bang!" Well, there was no more, I saw the big worshipper keeping his posture like a goshawk fighting a rabbit. In the posture of a rabbit, he hit the chin of a stone statue hard.

The stone statue, which was several feet tall and weighed ten thousand kilograms, shook violently a few times, and the large offering fell like a meteor, hitting the ground with a "bang" sound.

"Ugh..." The great priest groaned, but he got up without stopping, covered his forehead and rushed out.

This time, the old man's speed was faster, and his body shape became more graceful and varied, like walking on the snow without leaving a trace, chasing cicadas with eight steps, and flying like a shooting star.

"Little..." James Shibai and Lu Changsheng exclaimed at the same time.

Before they could say the word "heart" out of their mouths, they saw the big worshipper hit the wall with the speed of chasing cicadas and flying fireballs in eight steps.

With a loud bang, the wall built of huge stones collapsed. The next moment, the great worshipper had fallen on his back among the rubble, with blood streaming from his forehead.

Everyone in the Xuan Gang Sect looked at the big offering with dumbfounded expressions on their faces.

This time, they were completely sure that the great priest's reaction when he saw Fang Tianyou was not surprise, but fright. But as for that? As for that, you, old man, are the great enshrinement of our Xuangang Sect, and you are a strong man that countless people look up to in the Lingji Realm. How can you be so scared by others? Besides, the young sect leader is a bit over the top, but is he so scary?

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