My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5026 5026 But is she that scary?

Of course, the big priest didn't know what they were thinking. He was so dizzy that he finally sat up and looked at Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen with dull eyes.

"Senior Sima, we are so destined." Gu Fenghua greeted with a dumbfounded smile.

Isn’t this great minister of Xuangang Sect the very same Sima Batian who we met once in Yunjin City! She never thought that the old man would be so afraid of them. She remembered that she didn't do anything to him last time.

Only then did Lu Changsheng and others realize that it was not Fang Tianyou who the Great Enshrinement was looking at, but Gu Fenghua!

But is she that scary? Looking at Gu Fenghua's extremely beautiful face, which seemed to have a bit of natural weakness between his eyebrows, they still found it hard to imagine.

Of course, this is also the illusion that everyone will have when they first meet Gu Fenghua. As long as they know a little more about it, they will know that the fifth young lady of the Gu family in front of them absolutely, absolutely has nothing to do with the word weak?

"Ah...ah..." Hearing Gu Fenghua's voice, Sima Batian woke up as if from a dream. His face suddenly changed, and he jumped up like a cat whose tail was stepped on, then turned around and jumped out.

Everyone present was wiping cold sweat. If you want to run, just run. The gate is on the left, or you can run towards the hole in the wall that was just knocked out. What do you mean by running towards the wall on the other side? You are still addicted to tearing down the wall. Already?

Is this really the great offering of our Xuangang Sect? A great offering that is regarded as the mainstay of the Dinghai Divine Needle by sect disciples of all generations? Zhan Shibo, Lu Changsheng and others looked at each other, wishing they could find a hole in the ground and burrow down.

"Sima Batian, stop!" Seeing that Sima Batian was about to hit the wall again, Zhong Lingxiu shouted loudly.

Sima Batian stopped abruptly, as if someone had cast a restraining spell on him, turned his head, and looked at Zhong Lingxiu in surprise: "Uncle Junior, why are you here?"

Junior uncle? Zhan Shibo, Lu Changsheng and others were even more surprised.

They also knew nothing about the origins of Sima Batian's inheritance, but Sima Batian had been famous for thousands of years and could almost be regarded as a legend in the Spiritual Realm. Even with the tips of their toes, they can guess that the origins of their apprenticeship must be extraordinary. How could Zhong Lingxiu become his uncle at such a young age?

In this case, Zhong Lingxiu's background is certainly not small. If she had revealed her identity early, even the Xuan Gang Sect would not dare to be disrespectful in the slightest. But such a person was like a little follower, willing to follow Gu Fenghua as a foil, so much so that they accidentally ignored her existence.

They suddenly realized that they had not only underestimated Zhong Lingxiu, but also Gu Fenghua.

"I came here with Fenghua." Zhong Lingxiu said angrily, her face so dark that it could almost squeeze out ink.

This Sima Batian, I don't know how he got a reputation that lasted for tens of thousands of years, but he was so frightened by Gu Fenghua that he even humiliated her.

Zhong Lingxiu had forgotten that when she was first deceived by Gu Fenghua into boarding the pirate ship, she was actually no better than Sima Batian. It was just that it was easier to get on the ship than to get off, so she couldn't escape. If given the chance to escape, she would probably run faster than Sima Batian.

"Oh, that's it. Junior Master Uncle, you guys are busy, I'll leave first." Sima Batian didn't have time to think about how the Junior Master got mixed up with Gu Fenghua. He only mumbled a few perfunctory words and turned around again. Get away.

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