My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5029 5029Think about your good luck

This demonic beast is nearly ten feet long, covered with a thick fiery red carapace. It has tentacles on its head and a tail that opens like a fan. It has three pairs of thorax and legs as long and slender as hooks. It has a pair of large claws that are like giant pincers. When it opens and closes, it emits light like gold. The sound of iron clashing.

This is... lobster? Of course everyone has seen lobsters. As qualified foodies, Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen have even tasted this delicacy, but this is the first time they have seen such a big lobster.

"This is the ancient alien species that I just found recently. It's called..." Sima Batian couldn't help but get excited again.

Speaking of this demon pet, he should actually thank Gu Fenghua and others. Last time outside Yunjin City, he was so frightened by them that he ran away. In a panic, he accidentally broke into a retreat place of ancient powerful people. The strong man probably failed in the retreat and had already turned into a pile of withered bones, but he left behind a lot of miraculous medicines.

There happened to be a pool where the strong man retreated. There were a small number of fish and shrimps in the pool. One of the lobsters climbed ashore who didn't know how many years ago and swallowed the elixir he left. By chance, the bloodline was awakened. It mutated and became the legendary prehistoric alien species.

It is said to be an ancient alien species, but this big lobster has lived in that secluded place since he was a child and has never been in contact with outsiders, so he is not at all wary of monsters. When he saw Sima Batian, he was still curious, so he was attracted by him. Easily make a contract and become his demon pet. Speaking of which, he got a huge advantage.

Alien species from ancient times, does this mean that you can encounter them whenever you encounter them? Without that chance, even if you live for tens of thousands of years, you may not encounter one. Even if you do, it will be difficult to tame it easily. If you are unlucky, you may even be killed.

Thinking about his good luck, Sima Batian was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

"Gudu..." However, before he could finish his words, the big lobster seemed to have discovered something. It suddenly stood up, spit out a big bubble, moved its six shrimp legs, and showed off its power with its big pincers. He rushed forward.

"Qiang!" Immediately afterwards, there was a sound like a sharp knife cutting through wood. It was the roar of the two-winged spin turtle.

As if encountering an invisible wall, the big lobster stopped suddenly, struck the belt clamp with its large pincers, and attacked the two-winged spin turtle that was still invisible.

Then, there was a sound of gold and iron hitting the boulder, and at the same time, strings of sparks bloomed like fireworks.

"Found it!" Sima Batian shouted happily.

The opportunity must not be missed and will never come again. Fang Tianyou was refreshed and quickly made the contract fingerprints.

"Don't worry, wait for it to show that old turtle how powerful it is, and then you can take action after suppressing its arrogance." Sima Batian stopped Fang Tianyou.

Next to him, James Bo's face darkened again. Now whenever he hears the words "Old Turtle", something feels wrong all over him, and he always feels like he is scolding himself.

"Is there anything going to go wrong?" Fang Tianyou asked worriedly.

"What can go wrong? My demon pet is a strange species from the ancient times. Its strength has reached the tenth level, which is equivalent to the emperor saint realm of our human saint masters. That old turtle is only equivalent to the ninth level of heavenly saint at most. What do you think? Tell me, what could go wrong..." Sima Batian said disapprovingly.

"Crack." Before he could finish his words, he heard a crisp sound and a giant lobster fell off with its giant claws.

Then, there was a burst of "cha-cha-cha", and the broken giant claw disappeared out of thin air.

"Ah!" exclaimed, everyone was stunned by this scene.

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