"Crack." Before they could recover, another giant claw of the big lobster was broken off with a crisp sound.

Immediately afterwards, there was another crackling sound, and the second broken giant claw disappeared out of thin air.

"Not good!" Gu Fenghua reacted first, raised his sword fiercely, and slashed towards the front of the big lobster.

The others also woke up, hurriedly drew their swords and struck at the same position.

Almost at the same time, the big lobster violently sprayed out a big bubble.

Could it be that this blister is its innate magical power, but I don't know what it is used for, whether it is for attack or defense! In the flash of lightning, Gu Fenghua and others couldn't help but be curious.

They will never find the answer to this question. Because in an instant, the water bubble burst like a fragile soap bubble, and then most of the lobster's body disappeared out of thin air. But the two-winged spinner turtle appeared again, its eagle-like mouth tightly biting the big lobster, stretched its neck, and swallowed the whole thing.

"Boom, boom, boom..." The sword light of Gu Fenghua and others finally struck the tight tortoise shell at this moment, bursting out balls of energy.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

The double-winged spin turtle shook its body a few times and disappeared. And at the moment before it disappeared, everyone could clearly see that it opened its mouth and burped, looking very satisfied.

When the dust dispersed, the big lobster that had been so arrogant before disappeared completely, not even a single shrimp hair was left. All around, there was deathly silence.

Being eaten, the demon pet enshrined by the Great Enshrinement, the legendary alien species from the ancient times, was eaten like this? Although everything happened clearly before their eyes, they still couldn't believe their eyes.

"Bao Bao, my Ba Bao, why did you die like this!" After a while, Sima Batian finally came to his senses, straightened his chest and stamped his feet and howled, crying until he was out of breath.

Uh, domineering, this is a good name. But the way of death was really overbearing, he was eaten clean in two bites. Recalling the tragic scene just now, everyone should have felt sad, but for some reason, when they thought of the big lobster blowing bubbles and being swallowed in one gulp, why did they feel so full of joy?

They couldn't tell whether this big dragon had a tenth level, but one thing was certain: this so-called primitive alien species had no combat experience at all, and even if it really had the strength of a tenth level monster, it wouldn't be able to exert even half of its power. . The only skill it is good at is probably blowing bubbles - I have to say, those bubbles are really big and round, which is really not something that ordinary monsters can do.

"Great worshiper, this person is dead...no, he is dead and cannot be resurrected. Please show your condolences." Lu Changsheng finally managed to keep a straight face and said with a heavy expression.

"Impossible, impossible, it's obviously a tenth-level monster, how could it be eaten like this? It's impossible?" Sima Batian obviously couldn't accept this sad fact, and murmured to himself with tears streaming down his face.

"Um, don't you know that turtles like to eat small fish and shrimps the most? They are natural enemies." Fang Tianyou reminded weakly. He had already had an ominous premonition, always feeling that something was going to go wrong, but he didn't understand where this premonition came from, and now he finally figured it out.

"What are small fish and shrimps? Have you seen clearly? Are those ordinary shrimps?" Sima Batian shook off his tears and said angrily.

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