I originally thought that with such serious injuries, Xiao Jianhua would have to recover for a year and a half, or even three to five years, or even longer, so Gu Fenghua almost felt its familiar aura just now. unbelievable. It wasn't until this moment that she was finally sure that Jianjian was really back.

The green lightning struck hard on the back of the two-winged black turtle, and after a slight pause, the vine itself appeared. It looked much thinner and weaker than before, but it revealed strong anger.

After a short pause, Tengman raised it again, like a steel whip, one whip after another, falling like lightning, even crazier and more unstoppable than before.

Obviously, Luo Enen and Fatty Bai had upset not just two jealousy jars, but three.

"What is this?" a Xuan Gang Sect deacon asked in surprise.

"Demon plant!" An elder replied, but it was obviously nonsense. As long as the eyes are not blind to a certain level, anyone can recognize that this is a demon plant.

"I mean, what kind of demonic plant is this?" the deacon asked.

"I don't know." Lu Changsheng and Zhan Shibai answered in unison.

"You don't know him?" the deacon said in surprise.

He had just been promoted to deacon recently. He had been cultivating wholeheartedly before, so he thought that he had little knowledge. It was normal for him to think that he could not recognize the origin of this demonic plant. However, he did not expect that the well-informed great elder and the emperor would The elder didn't even recognize this demonic plant.

"Looking like this, it must be a prehistoric alien species. It's normal that we haven't seen it before." Zhan Shibo explained.

The less courageous a person is, the more self-aware he is, and Elder Zhan is certainly no exception.

"I didn't expect that Fenghua's demon pets were not two, but three, and they were all alien species." Lu Changsheng couldn't help but sigh.

Hearing his words, everyone reacted suddenly. This demon plant shouted "Master" when it first appeared. It was obviously the demon pet of one of Gu Fenghua and others. After a little exploration with their spiritual thoughts, they noticed the subtle and peculiar energy fluctuations on Gu Fenghua's body - the demon beast and its owner are connected and connected with each other. When summoning the demon pet, these subtle energy fluctuations will naturally occur. At the same time, the demon pet contract is a contract between heaven and earth, and there will also be similar energy fluctuations.

It would be difficult for ordinary saint masters to detect such fluctuations in energy, but as the elders and deacons of the Xuangang Sect, Lu Changsheng and others are all strong men in the realm of Emperor Saint. It is difficult to find out the source of this fluctuation in energy. And difficult.

Looking at Gu Fenghua's young face, everyone's hearts were filled with panic.

Others may never see one of these primitive alien species in their lifetimes, but she actually contracted three of them, and among them was a primitive monster plant that even the Supreme Elder could not recognize.

This Gu Fenghua is simply a monster!

Facts have once again proved that the so-called miracles, prodigies, and even extraordinary talents are no longer enough to describe Gu Fenghua's magic.

At this time, Jianjian obviously has not returned to the best condition, but the vines whipped down one after another, like a chain of lightning, but they also entangled the two-winged spin turtles, making it difficult to move, and even the pair of exquisite bone wings on the back were unable to move. It was riddled with wounds.

The power of the demon spirit in the little bear cub's body was rapidly depleted, and his body had returned to the normal shape of an iron-eating beast. However, after a drunken fist fight, his natural power should not be underestimated.

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