Although the little fox didn't have strong attack power, when it was jealous, it also exploded with unprecedented brute force. A pair of sharp claws rose and fell like a whirlwind, and it actually grabbed half an inch deep holes on the strong tortoise shell. crack.

"Ka!" Finally, under the crazy attack of the three jealous men, the cracks spread like a spider web, and the two-winged spin turtle let out a shrill scream.

Seeing this, Lu Changsheng and others were overjoyed and almost cheered loudly. However, before they could cheer, a roar of "ouch" came from their ears... It was the excited roar of the little bear cub.

Finally breaking through the defense of the two-winged spin turtle, the already tired little bear cub was as energetic as if he had been given a shot of chicken blood. He screamed "Ouch, Ouch, Ouch, Ouch," and the attack was actually a bit faster and stronger than before. After a while, everyone was dazzled by a drunken fist.

"Bang bang bang bang..." The hammer-like fist fell on the back of the two-winged spin turtle like a storm, and the earth trembled again.

The two-winged spin turtle retracted its head into its shell, but it was still shaken by the powerful force and sprayed out streams of blood mist.

Blood spread, and the little fox's bloodthirsty nature as a monster seemed to be awakened. It let out an extremely excited scream, and the sharp claws stabbed directly towards the tail of the two-winged spin turtle.

"Ouch..." The next moment, everyone heard the strange howling of the two-winged spin turtle.

This cry is somewhat similar to the strange cry of a little bear cub, but the cry of the little bear cub is full of joy and satisfaction, but the cry of the two-winged spin turtle is so miserable and heartbreaking.

It's so obscene and cruel! Lu Changsheng and others felt an icy chill rising from their tailbones, and subconsciously tightened their legs.

The only thing that made Lu Changsheng and others feel lucky was that in mid-air, the demonic plant did not become as ferocious as the little bear cub and the little fox. After breaking through the defense of the two-winged spinner turtle, it stopped and turned green. The vines are slightly bent, assuming a slightly strange posture, as if they are leaning over and looking down curiously.

Fortunately, Gu Fenghua's demon pets are not all so vicious and cruel. Lu Changsheng and others breathed a sigh of relief... Hey, wait, there seems to be something wrong with this posture!

Before they could figure out what was wrong, there was a soft "stretch" sound, and the curved vines flicked open like a long bow when the bowstring was loosened, and a large pointed needle flew like raindrops. And out. Most of them were thorns on the tortoise shell, making a crisp sound of "ding-ding-ding-ding" and bursting out with sparks. There was also a part that penetrated into the crack and made a "bang bang bang bang" explosion.

Following this explosion, flesh and blood flew from the cracks in the tortoise shell.

"Woo..." Then, the cry of the two-winged spin turtle became more miserable, and even the outline of the phantom trembled violently.

"Pills, pills!" Lu Changsheng and others' mouths twitched, their hearts were in their throats, and they looked at Gu Fenghua subconsciously.

"Tianyou, start!" Gu Fenghua shouted to Fang Tianyou.

It had to start. If it continued like this, she was really worried that the sacred beast protecting the sect of the Xuangang Sect would be tortured to death by three naughty children.

Jealous naughty children are indeed the scariest naughty children.

Fang Tianyou had already been prepared and immediately made his fingerprints after hearing this.

The previous successive failures had humiliated Young Master Fang, so this time, he made his handprints with extra care. All the holy energy and spiritual thoughts were condensed in those handprints.

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