My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5039 5039 It’s just that it’s singing again

He made up his mind that this time, he must let everyone see his true strength and let them know what it means to be perfect!

Unfortunately, his efforts were in vain. Before he could finish typing his hand seals, a golden halo fell from the sky, enveloping him and the two-winged spin turtle.

Immediately afterwards, there was a buzzing sound in his head, and a brand was directly imprinted into his heart, connected to his soul and destiny.

Then, the screams of the two-winged spin turtle stopped abruptly, and the outline of the silhouette turned into a stream of light and disappeared without a trace.

The little bear cub and the vixen who had been injected with chicken blood were happily torturing them to their heart's content. Suddenly, there was no one to be tortured. They didn't react for a while, and they all stood there in a daze.

"Where are the guardian spirit beasts going?" A deacon was also stunned, looking at Lu Changsheng and Zhan Shibai in confusion and uneasiness.

"The contract is successful, I'm back to the demon pet space." Lu Changsheng replied.

"Is this successful? But hasn't the young sect master's hand seals not been finished yet?" The deacon looked at Fang Tianyou, who was still standing in a stunned position with his hands still in the hand seal position, and said doubtfully.

"It was the sect-protecting spirit beast who took the initiative to make the contract." Lu Changsheng explained.

Having said this, the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely again. To be able to force the two-winged spin turtle to take the initiative to make a contract with Fang Tianyou, how ruthless and sinister are Gu Fenghua's three demon pets?

"It's successful, it's really successful!" The deacon suddenly realized it and gathered his spiritual thoughts to investigate. Sure enough, Fang Tianyou's body had a faint energy unique to the contract between heaven and earth.

"Successful, finally successful!" Others murmured to themselves, and some even cried with joy.

"Mom!" The little bear cub finally realized what he was doing, turned around and ran towards Gu Fenghua.

But only halfway through the run, his body quickly shrunk and turned back into the appearance of a small black bear. His steps were staggering and his face was full of exhaustion. Looking at it like this, it is obvious that the power of the demon spirit has been exhausted.

"Obsidian." Gu Fenghua knelt down and held the little bear cub in his arms distressedly.

The little bear cub rubbed against her body and chose the most comfortable position to curl up into a ball, with a look of comfort on his face.

The little fox also came back to her, looking at the little bear cub with envy, but he was too timid to rub against her. It knew very well what the consequences of fighting for favor would be. It was an iron-eating beast, and it didn't think that its small body was stronger than adamantine and mithril.

Seeing its pitiful little appearance, Gu Fenghua smiled, stretched out his arms, and embraced the little fox.

Not far away, a green vine fell down and turned into a beautiful little white flower, jumping towards Gu Fenghua.

Looking at the familiar figure, Gu Fenghua's smile became gentler and his eyes became moist again. Not only her, Luo Enen and fat white man Ye Wuse could not help but smile and wipe their eyes.

Suddenly, Gu Fenghua's smile froze, and his face became slightly ugly.

"What's wrong? Is its injury getting worse again?" Luo Enen looked at the little white flower that was obviously much thinner than before and asked worriedly.

"No, the injury shouldn't be serious, it's just that it's singing again." Gu Fenghua said.

"What to sing?" Luo Enen asked subconsciously.

"This... I will conquer you like this, aw aw... cut off all your escape routes, my heart is strong, your story has come to an end, aw aw..." Gu Fenghua hesitated for a moment, and finally cleared his throat and started singing along. .

As a result, Luo Enen and others felt a chill on their bodies, and the smiles froze on their faces.

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