"Ineffective things!" Seeing their shocked looks, Zhan Shibo showed off his airs as an elder and scolded them severely.

Behind him, all the elders and deacons twitched their mouths: I don’t know who was shouting “pills, pills” just now and only wanted to run away, but now he was teaching others a lesson.

"Qu Dangyuan, do you really think that now that our sect leader is gone, Beiyuan City will be free to let your Cangyang Sect do whatever you want?" Zhan Shibai probably also knows that with his timid character, he really has no right to accuse others, so harshly After glaring at the young disciples, he immediately looked at Qu Dangyuan opposite and shouted angrily.

That angry look with his white hair dancing in the wind is really a bit majestic and domineering of a supreme elder.

"Zhan Shibai, your Xuangang Sect collaborated with outsiders to kill my elders and my beloved son. Today, we, the Setting Sun Sect, and your Xuangang Sect will fight to the death!" Qu Dangyuan shouted without showing any signs of weakness, but stared at the crowd. Gu Fenghua among them.

The enemy was extremely jealous when he saw Gu Fenghua. When he saw Gu Fenghua, he couldn't help but think of the scene where his beloved son was pierced through the heart by her sword and his soul was shattered, and he couldn't help but feel another surge of blood in his chest.

"Sect Master Qu, Gu Fenghua and others are close friends of life and death. They came to Beiyuan City and are my guests of Xuangang Sect. Your Can Yang Sect colluded with Zhan Xin Sect and wanted to put her to death. Could it be that Is it possible for our Xuan Gang Sect to see death without saving anything?" Lu Changsheng argued.

"It's a time like this, why are you still arguing? Just start fighting, fight." Seeing them arguing with each other, Luo Enen curled his lips and whispered disapprovingly. Miss Yiluo was afraid that the world would be in chaos, so she wanted to take action immediately. She was not in the mood to watch their nonsense.

"Beiyuan City seems to be a chaotic place in the eyes of outsiders, but it also has its own rules. If you can really do whatever you want, the three major sects may have died together countless times. But this time, they probably I won't talk too much nonsense." Gu Fenghua said in a low voice.

She was right. Qu Dangyuan was determined to eradicate the Xuangang Sect today, so how could he talk to them about right and wrong? What he just said was just to vent the anger in his heart.

"Zhan Shibai, for the sake of the friendship between our two sects for so many years, I will give you a chance today. As long as the elders and deacons of the Xuangang Sect and your young sect master free themselves from the sect and serve our Can Yang Sect from now on, I will We can let you live, and the other disciples can also be allowed to leave on their own.

If not, everyone in Xuan Gang Sect will definitely be left alone! "Hearing Lu Changsheng's question, Qu Dangyuan did not reply. He just smiled sarcastically and said to Zhan Shibai with murderous intent on his face.

According to his original intention, he wanted to kill everyone in the Xuan Gang Sect before he could vent his hatred. But once again seeing the shocking power of Gu Fenghua and others' combined swords, he calmed down again.

It is not difficult to destroy the Xuangang Sect relying on the guardian spirit beasts, but if Zhan Shibai and others resist vigorously, and if Gu Fenghua and others help, the Setting Sun Sect will definitely suffer heavy losses. By then, it is probably difficult for the Setting Sun Sect to take control of Beiyuan City alone - with such a big piece of fat, it is impossible for the major holy sects in the Spiritual Realm to turn a blind eye, and even some emperors and envoys will take the opportunity to come and get a piece of the pie.

Therefore, the best result is to defeat the enemy without fighting. As long as Zhan Shibai and others surrender, can Gu Fenghua and the others escape from Qu Dangyuan's grasp?

Unfortunately, his wishful thinking came a little too early.

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