My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5047 5047 The style of the Supreme Elder

"Qu Dangyuan, you underestimate me, Zhan Shibai, and my Xuangang Sect. Even if my Xuangang Sect fights to the last man today, I will never surrender to your Cangyang Sect!" Hearing Qu Danyuan say this When asked about the conditions, Zhan Shibo just smiled contemptuously, and then said it with great righteousness and heroism.

"..." Looking at the old man's expression of resignation and despair, the disciples of the Xuan Gang Sect around him were in awe, but Gu Fenghua and others were in awe.

Is the old man in front of me, who speaks righteously and regards death as his own, really the Supreme Elder of the Xuan Gang Sect who is always ready to take pills? However, after a moment's thought, they realized that the old man's previous "pills and pills" were just because Fang Tianyou had not yet contracted a sect-protecting spirit beast, so he lacked confidence.

At this time, when he saw that Fang Tianyou had contracted with the sect-protecting spirit beast, he immediately became confident. Anyway, with the guardian spirit beast around, Xuangang Sect can be invincible. Of course, he must be more heroic, heroic, brave and courageous.

Sure enough, the old man's ability to become an elder was not simply because of his longevity. After all, this old man is also a good guy. When it's time to pretend, he can do it better than anyone else.

"In this case, you will have no choice but to die." Qu Dangyuan also knew that although his wishful thinking was good, it would be difficult to realize it, at least until he forced the Xuan Gang Sect into a desperate situation. So he didn't say any more, just took out the formation plate and quickly made hand seals.

On the opposite side, Fang Tianyou did not dare to neglect, and quickly took out the formation plate and made hand seals. This array plate was originally kept by Lu Changsheng, but since the young sect leader has contracted with the guardian spirit beast, it should naturally return to the original owner.

A golden beam of light soared into the sky from the direction of the Setting Sun Sect, turned into thousands of sword lights, and flew toward the people of the Xuangang Sect.

At the same time, a golden beam of light also rose inside the Xuangang Sect, forming an invisible barrier that protected the Xuangang Sect members and Gu Fenghua and others.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the thousands of sword lights pierced the barrier. The barrier suddenly burst, and the thousands of sword lights turned into streams of light and disappeared between heaven and earth.

Within the barrier, everyone is safe and sound.

"Qu Dangyuan, this city protection formation is not unique to your Can Yang Sect family. Do you really think that this will make us afraid of your Can Yang Sect?" After successfully avoiding the disaster, Zhan Shibai once again activated the magic stick talent skill and held his head high. He said with a proud look on his face.

"Really? I want to see how long you can keep your stubbornness!" Qu Dangyuan smiled solemnly and said firmly.

Behind him, all the disciples of the Setting Sun Sect were equally confident, with contemptuous sneers on their faces.

The news of the disappearance of the sect-protecting spirit beast is a small secret within the Xuangang Sect. Except for the elders, deacons and some elite disciples, the other disciples know nothing about it. However, these disciples of the Setting Sun Sect present are well known to everyone.

The Beiyuan City defense formation is indeed shared by the three major sects, but without the sect-protecting spirit beast, the Xuangang Sect can only use it three more times at most. Excluding the one used before, these are the only two remaining times. The old man in front of me is obviously trying to be mysterious and has a tough mouth!

Amidst the sneer, Qu Dangyuan made his fingerprints again. After a moment, thousands of golden sword lights poured out towards the front of Xuangang Sect.

Almost at the same time, Fang Tianyou also finished the last hand seal. Facts have once again proved that it is true that the ancient saying that a strict master produces a good disciple and a good man emerges from under the Huangjing tree has been passed down to this day. Under the stick and hunger education of the previous sect leader Jiang Mingyuan, Fang Tianyou’s set of handprints that opened the city defense formation were also successful. He can move clouds and flowing water with ease, not much worse than Qu Dangyuan.

The invisible barrier appeared again, blocking the golden sword light. Then the barrier was broken, and the thousands of sword lights turned into golden streams of light. Everyone in the Xuan Gang Sect and Gu Fenghua and his party were still safe and sound.

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