My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5051 5051 It’s really not possible and I have to fight hard.

Gu Fenghua and others have truly seen the power of the defensive formation in Beiyuan City. In front of the powerful power of the formation, not to mention others, even their cultivations of the sixth and seventh grade of the Emperor Saint are... It was of no use, and even the sword that the four of them had reached the peak of the ninth level of Emperor Saint was of no use.

It’s no wonder that the three major sects have controlled Beiyuan City for so many years, and not even the six major envoys of the Spiritual Realm had a chance to intervene. Even with the strength of the envoy, if you want to break such a formation, you must have to pay a heavy price.

"It's boring. They won't keep competing like this." Luo Enen yawned and said boredly.

She had long drawn her sword, ready to rush forward and fight, but after being a bystander for so long, she had no chance to take action, and she became impatient with the waiting.

"Impossible, they can't go on like this forever, they should soon be able to tell the difference." Gu Fenghua said flatly.

She could see that even with the help of the sect-protecting spirit beasts, using the array disk to open the city-protecting formation would actually consume the power of holy energy and spiritual thoughts. Moreover, judging from the energy fluctuations in Fang Tianyou and Qu Dangyuan, in When the sect-protecting spirit beasts inject the power of demon spirits into the array, they also have to expend a lot of holy energy and spiritual thoughts.

And even if we put aside this kind of consumption, just talking about the sect-protecting spirit beast itself, the power of the demon spirit is not infinite, so they can never continue to be in this stalemate.

She was right. As the city defense formation was activated again and again, the speed of Fang Tianyou and Qu Dangyuan's handprints began to slow down gradually. Each time they completed their handprints, the interval between them became longer and longer.

"Not good!" James James' uneasy low voice suddenly sounded next to him.

Following his line of sight, Fang Tianyou was sweating profusely, his face was full of exhaustion, and his eyes became a little hollow. His hands were trembling, and every time he made a hand seal, he seemed to be using all his strength.

"What's wrong with him?" Luo Enen asked in surprise.

After all, he is a strong man of the fourth level of Emperor Saint. How could he be so tired with just a few hand seals? Looking at the opposite side, Qu Dangyuan also looked tired, but his condition was obviously much better than him. Don't forget, the other people's injuries haven't healed yet, so the gap is a bit too big.

"Injecting the power of demon spirits into the formation plate also requires the consumption of holy energy and spiritual thoughts. The young sect leader has just contracted with the sect-protecting spirit beast, and cannot truly integrate its soul with its life blood, so the loss of holy energy and divine thoughts is even greater, and he wants to follow The speed of going up to Qudangyuan will require the loss of more holy energy and spiritual power." Lu Changsheng explained with a solemn expression.

Sure enough! This answer was exactly as Gu Fenghua guessed.

"What should we do?" Lorne asked.

"If it doesn't work, we have to fight hard." Lu Changsheng said as he slowly pulled out the long sword.

Fortunately, Qu Dangyuan was seriously injured at the hands of Gu Fenghua and others, and his injuries were not healed. Now his speed was getting slower and slower, so they still had a chance to fight.

However, it is only a chance for a battle. Most of the elites of the sect have not returned from their trip. In this battle, the Xuangang Sect will be in trouble after all.

As he spoke, the two city defense formations were once again activated at the same time. There was a loud bang, the sword light and the barrier disappeared at the same time, one attack and one defense, still no difference.

However, after this time, Fang Tianyou's hands were trembling, but he was still unable to continue making fingerprints. It was obvious that his holy energy and spiritual thoughts had reached their limit, and he could no longer help the Protector Sect Spirit Beast to inject the power of the demon spirit into the array.

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