My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5052 5052 Endless resentment

"You can't hold on any longer. I gave you a chance to live, but you don't want it, so don't blame me for not missing our old feelings, hahahaha." Seeing this, Qu Dangyuan laughed wildly.

Originally, he didn't want to fight with Xuan Gang Sect and lose both sides, but Fang Tianyou's counterattack taught him a lesson, and he didn't want to delay it any longer for fear of long nights and dreams.

Amid laughter, Qu Dangyuan made his fingerprints again.

"Destroy the Xuangang Sect and kill them all without leaving any trace behind!"

"Avenge the young sect master!"

"Avenge the elder!"

"Avenge Senior Brother Zeng!"

"Avenge Junior Brother Lin!"

"For Senior Sister Qin..."

Seeing that the sect leader had reversed the situation as they expected, the disciples of the Setting Sun Sect became energetic again, raising their arms and shouting with overwhelming hatred.

The Senior Brother Zeng, Senior Brother Lin, Senior Sister Qin and others they mentioned were the same disciples who had just died under Fang Tianyou's city protection formation. The old hatred has not been avenged, but new hatred has been added. All the disciples of the Setting Sun Sect hate the Xuangang Sect deeply.

"Do it!" James Bai ordered.

In fact, his legs were weak now, and he had already instinctively thought of running away, but it was too late. Others had already arrived at the door of his house, so there was no chance for him to escape.

That's it, that's it. After running for a lifetime, let's die for the sect this last time. With this thought in his mind, James Bai drew his sword with a tragic look on his face. Well, this time it’s really tragic.

Behind him, other Xuangang Sect elders, deacons and disciples also drew their long swords. Zhu Sifang and several Sheng Sect elders looked solemn and prepared to take action. Of course, Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen were no exception.

Looking at this, it would be difficult for Fang Tianyou to activate the defensive formation again, and they would have to face Qu Dangyuan's attack formation on their own. Although compared with the last battle at the city gate, the number of people this time was more than a hundred times greater, but facing such a city defense formation, it was difficult for them to escape unscathed based on their strength.

Several people looked at each other and raised their holy energy and spiritual thoughts to the extreme.

At the other end of the long street, the killing sounds of the disciples of the Setting Sun Sect were loud. At this end, in front of the Xuangang Sect, there was silence, and the atmosphere was so oppressive that it was almost suffocating.

"Qiang!" Suddenly, a strange beast roar sounded, and the earth trembled.

Everyone turned their heads subconsciously and saw the two-winged spin turtle appearing above Fang Tianyou's head. As the pair of delicate bone wings flapped rapidly, the surrounding light and shadow changed, vaguely forming a huge shadow of a spinning turtle, but it was unstable and burning like a flame.

On the ancient array disk in Fang Tianyou's hand, dazzling runes flashed alternately like a marquee. Everyone clearly felt that the power of the powerful demon spirit was like a rushing wave, pouring into the array with great force. However, the vitality of the two-winged spin turtle quickly disappeared.

"Sacrifice!" Opposite him, Qu Dangyuan's expression suddenly changed and he couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Sacrifice, how is this possible?" Zhan Shibai, Lu Changsheng and others also exclaimed in surprise.

Judging from the situation, the sect-protecting spiritual beast of the Xuangang Sect apparently used the method of sacrifice to forcibly inject the power of the demon spirit into the array. There is nothing that can be done about it. Fang Tianyou's strength is much weaker than it, and the contract period is not long, so it is impossible to truly merge life and blood into one body. Previously, in order to cooperate with it and inject the power of demon spirits into the array, Fang Tianyou had almost exhausted all the power of holy energy and spiritual thoughts. On its own, it can only rely on the method of sacrifice to inject the power of demon spirits into the array.

However, the so-called sacrifices are all at the cost of sacrificing vitality and even soul!

Regardless of the fact that the first thing every sect leader of the three major sects in Beiyuan City did when they came to power was to make a contract with the sect-protecting spirit beast, in the final analysis, it was all because of the founder of the sect. If the founders of the sect hadn't not only made an agreement with them before their death, but also unanimously stamped their divine souls as a binding force, they might have gone to nowhere, and how could they have willingly sacrificed their life force or even their divine souls to perform their rituals? The art of sacrifice?

In confusion, everyone looked at the twin turtles and saw that they were making sacrifices and injecting the power of demon spirits into the array, and at the same time they were looking at Gu Fenghua. There was endless resentment and endless sadness in his eyes, and they were also filled with awe from the depths of his heart... At the same time, there was also a clear intention to please.

Seeing such looks, outsiders were confused, but Zhan Shibai and others couldn't help but think of Gu Fenghua's three ferocious and violent demon pets, and they suddenly realized.

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