Obviously, the Xuangang Sect's sect-protecting spirit beast was frightened by Gu Fenghua's three naughty children, and all its edges and arrogance were completely smoothed away, so they sacrificed their life essence and soul power regardless of the cost, and forcibly Inject the power of demon spirits into the array.

It seems that not only good people can emerge under the yellow thorn tree, but also good turtles. The ancients never deceived me!

Of course, there is no gain without paying such a high price. The speed at which the double-winged spin turtle injects the power of demon spirits is obviously much faster than that of Qu Dangyuan and the Can Yang Sect's guardian spirit beast. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Fang Tianyou immediately took the holy elixir and mustered up his energy to perform the hand seals again. Although he was exhausted physically and mentally, he could still do it just by activating the formation with the holy elixir refined by Gu Fenghua himself to replenish the holy energy, and without the need for him to cooperate with the two-winged spin turtle to inject the power of demon spirits.

"Boom" the golden giant sword appeared out of thin air, slashing at the newly condensed defensive barrier. Amidst the loud noise, the barrier was shattered, but the sword light remained powerful and slashed heavily into the crowd of the Setting Sun Sect.

Although they had learned the lesson from last time, everyone in the Setting Sun Sect reacted much faster this time. They had already grasped the hilt of the sword to condense the holy energy at the same time as the two-winged tortoise appeared. However, under this sword, there were still more than ten Xuan Gang. The sect disciple fell to the ground and died, and the others were also shaken and staggered back.

Without stopping, the two-winged spin turtle continued to sacrifice, and the power of demon spirits was continuously injected into the array. Fang Tianyou swallowed the holy pills in large quantities, and made hand seals almost continuously. The golden giant sword struck at the people of the Setting Sun Sect one after another.

Although Qu Dangyuan on the opposite side also used all his strength to perform hand seals, he was seriously injured and had not recovered. Cooperating with the Protector Spirit Beast to inject the power of the demon spirit into the array would also consume a lot of holy energy and spiritual power. How could his speed be as fast as Compared with the two-winged spin turtle that sacrificed the soul of life, every time before the defensive barrier was fully deployed, the golden giant sword was cut down in the air.

Amidst the loud noise, the defensive barrier was shattered again and again. A moment later, more than a hundred disciples of the Setting Sun Sect fell dead on the spot.

"Ah..." A familiar scream came from beside him.

Qu Dangyuan turned around and saw the seventh elder of the Setting Sun Sect vomiting blood, his face turned into nothingness with horror.

Qu Dangyuan's heart ached violently again.

The seventh elder of the Setting Sun Sect is named Fu Junyang. He is the most talented among the nine elders. Although he is young, he already has the cultivation level of the fifth-grade Emperor Saint.

Moreover, he has a heroic personality and decisive killing, which is quite similar to Qu Dangyuan's demeanor when he was young. Qu Dangyuan admired him very much and taught him all his martial arts and sword skills. The two are called senior brothers, but in fact they are like master and apprentice, and even have the same affection as father and son.

Before Qu Hong'an was born, Qu Dangyuan had even thought about passing on the title of sect leader to Fu Junyang when his life span was approaching in the future.

Although he later gave up the idea because of Qu Hong'an, he still regarded Fu Junyang as his right-hand man and entrusted him with important responsibilities. Fu Junyang did not let him down. What a great contribution.

At this moment, watching Fu Junyang die in front of his eyes, Qu Dangyuan's heart felt as if it had been mercilessly pierced by a sharp sword.

"Let's go!" Qu Dangyuan's eyes flashed with tears as he turned around and shouted at the people of the Setting Sun Sect.

Although Fu Junyang's death made him feel heartbroken, it also made him completely sober: the situation in front of him was already extremely detrimental to the Setting Sun Sect. If he persisted, more than just Fu Junyang would die.

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