My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5064 5064 This is the true heart of a strong man

Now that I think about it, it's probably because of the limitations of heaven and earth. In the Wuji Holy Heaven, the peak of the ninth level of the Emperor Saint is the ultimate chasm that all Saint Masters and even the three Saint Kings can hardly cross. It is normal that they cannot cross this chasm with their concentrated sword.

"It should be." Gu Fenghua said.

I didn't have time to think about it carefully before, but now that I think about it carefully, this is the only possibility.

Finally finding the reason, Fatty Bai and the others were not at all happy, but rather a little disappointed. You can obviously display stronger sword power, but you are unable to go further due to the limitations of heaven and earth. This is as frustrating as the feeling of never being able to break through the bottleneck no matter how hard you practice or how you retreat.

"You don't have to be too disappointed. Anyway, with God's blessing, the loss of this sword is much smaller than before, which is still very helpful to improve our combat power. Besides, the way of cultivation is to go against heaven. , maybe when we become stronger, we can break the boundaries between heaven and earth." Gu Fenghua said comfortingly.

After hearing her words, Fatty Bai and others' eyes lit up.

Yes, the way of cultivation is to constantly break the limits of the body. Looking at it from another perspective, the limits of the body are not themselves the limitations brought by the Great Way of Heaven and Earth. Since they can be promoted again and again and break such restrictions again and again, why do they The limits of heaven and earth at the ninth peak of Emperor Saint cannot be broken.

Moreover, their goal is not to rely on joining forces to break this limit, but to rely on individual strength to break this limit. How can they become discouraged because of a temporary setback?

After trying to pass, several people were refreshed and all their disappointments were swept away.

Strength, they need stronger strength! Clenching their fists tightly, several people were in high spirits.

Noticing their changes, Zhong Lingxiu's heart moved slightly.

All along, the goal set by her master was to surpass her predecessors, break the limits of heaven and earth, and enter a realm of cultivation where even the three saints could not glimpse their true appearance. However, how could it be so easy for others to achieve a goal that even the three Saint Kings could not achieve?

Therefore, although she is arrogant on the surface and regards all living beings as ants, deep down in her heart, she always hides some doubts: she can really break the limits of heaven and earth as her master expected, and embark on the road that even the three saint kings cannot reach. An unattainable way of cultivation?

It is precisely for this reason that after she was defeated by Gu Fenghua again and again, she would easily waver, and even almost lose herself and give up on herself.

At this moment, he saw on the faces of Fatty Bai and others, a firmness and persistence that he had never had before.

This is the true heart of a strong man!

And all this is obviously not what they are born with, but what Gu Fenghua brings to them.

After staring at Gu Fenghua's face that was younger than herself for a long time, Zhong Lingxiu felt an unprecedented admiration in her heart.

"Young Sect Master, this is the living quarters of the Sect Masters of the past generations. I have asked people to clean it, and it will be your residence from now on." While speaking, Lu Changsheng had already led everyone back to Xuan Gang Sect, in a quiet room. Stopped in front of the yard.

The courtyard is old and simple, but it also conveys a sense of solemnity.

Since it is the living place of the sect masters of the past generations, it is of course also their daily training place, so formations will be specially arranged. Even standing outside the courtyard, one can feel the extremely abundant aura of heaven and earth. However, what surprised Gu Fenghua was that in addition to the aura of heaven and earth, the courtyard was also filled with another kind of aura, which was vast but still agile. Full of vitality, completely different from the normal aura of heaven and earth.

What's this? Gu Fenghua was a little curious. She had never felt such a strange aura after coming to Wuji Holy Heaven for so long.

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