My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5065 5065 I'm afraid I'll be sad

"Master, the old man used to live here?" Fang Tianyou looked at the yard in front of him and asked with a complicated expression.

"Of course." Lu Changsheng nodded.

"Can I change my place of residence?" Fang Tianyou asked.

"Why?" Lu Changsheng asked puzzledly.

Because the spiritual energy of the residence of the sect leader is too abundant, many disciples of the Xuan Gang Sect like to come here to practice quietly. Even the elders like them would come here to have a cup of tea with the sect leader when they had nothing to do. Fang Tianyou actually wanted to change his residence. , what on earth is going on in his mind.

"I'm afraid I'll be sad." Fang Tianyou said coyly, but his voice was unusually low.

It wasn't that he was afraid of being sad. When he said this, his face looked gloomy and his eyes were slightly red.

Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect? After spending the past few years together, Master is his only relative in Wuji Holy Heaven. Don't look at the resentment on his face when he mentioned his experiences over the years, but in fact, he also knew very well that if he had not met the master, he would have probably died in the Wuji Holy Heaven long ago, or even died without a complete body, and became a wealthy wolf. Delicious food in a dog’s mouth.

In the past, Fang Tianyou didn't know what gratitude was when he had good clothes and good food, but when he came to Wuji Holy Heaven, he was beaten for mining and locked up in a small dark room. He finally realized how difficult it was to survive. He was actually full of gratitude towards his master. Grateful.

Seeing things and thinking about people, standing in front of this ancient courtyard, he couldn't help but think of his master's voice and smile, and his heart felt uncomfortable.

Seeing his red eyes and the twinkling tears in his eyes, Lu Changsheng and others couldn't help but feel sad, but their impression of Tianyou was greatly improved.

It seems that although this young sect leader is sometimes a little out of character, he is also a person who values ​​affection and righteousness. The sect leader did not choose the wrong person - as they had more and more contact with Fang Tianyou, they got to know each other better and better. Deeply, their bottom line has been infinitely lowered, and their requirements and expectations for the young sect leader are getting lower and lower.

"Young Sect Master, I know you feel uncomfortable, but this matter is related to the life and death of our Xuan Gang Sect, so please forgive me." Lu Changsheng, who was moved by the lower limit, advised earnestly.

Fang Tianyou looked at Lu Changsheng doubtfully. Not only him, but Gu Fenghua and others were also confused. If it's just a place to live, why is it related to the life and death of the Xuangang Sect? Even if he doesn't want to ruin the sect's tradition, such an argument is still too far-fetched, right?

"Young Master, you don't know. The cornerstone of this courtyard is made of Xuanwu Spiritual Stone. Our Xuanwu Sect Protector Spirit Beast's cultivation of spiritual power and longevity depends entirely on this Xuanwu Spiritual Stone." Confused, Lu Changsheng explained.

"Xuanwu psychic stone, extend longevity?" Gu Fenghua's heart moved when he heard the words "extend longevity."

The biggest problem facing her three demon pets now is not that their growth is stagnant, nor that their strength is difficult to improve, but that their lifespan is short.

It was only after hearing these words that she realized that the mysterious aura she had just noticed should come from the Xuanwu Spiritual Stone.

"You must also know that after the world-destroying catastrophe, the bloodlines of many monster beast races were cut off, and some powerful monster beasts and even mythical beast races that survived also left Wuji Holy Heaven and eventually became legends. The reason why they left is Because Wuji Shengtian’s spiritual energy is insufficient, let alone cultivation and promotion, it can’t even meet their life needs.”

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