My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5066 5066 A basin of cold water was poured over

“Our Xuangang Sect’s sect-protecting spiritual beast is a strange species from ancient times, and its demand for the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is not inferior to that of the divine beasts. It can survive to this day and still have such strength because of this Xuanwu psychic stone.

A big reason why the phoenix lives in the phoenix tree is because the phoenix tree itself is also a spiritual tree of heaven and earth, and its unique spiritual power is of great benefit to the phoenix.

The habitats of other monster beasts also have similar treasures of heaven and earth, and the Xuanwu psychic stone is one of them. Its unique spiritual power is of little use to other monsters, but it is a great supplement to the two-winged spinner turtle. "Lu Changsheng continued to explain.

So that's it. Gu Fenghua couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when she heard that the Black Tortoise Spiritual Stone was only useful for two-winged spinner turtles. However, it was about the life and death of three naughty children. She still refused to give up and said again: "Elder Lu, those monsters of mine are doting on you." I have also seen that due to the lack of spiritual energy in Wuji Holy Heaven and Earth, their longevity is also greatly affected. I wonder if there are suitable heavenly materials and earthly treasures that can help them extend their longevity?"

"I'm not sure about this. In fact, people in the world know very little about strange beasts like the double-winged spin turtle. The founder also worked hard to select this animal from tens of thousands of heavenly materials and earthly treasures. The useful Xuanwu psychic stones were used to build the foundation and build this house." Lu Changsheng said apologetically.

"That's it. Thank you very much, Elder Lu. Then I'll think of a solution." Gu Fenghua said helplessly.

Thinking about it, the world knew very little about the strange beasts of the ancient times, and there were no records even in classical books. How could Lu Changsheng know what kind of treasures of heaven and earth would be useful for her three naughty children to extend their longevity? She thought about it clearly too easy.

However, although she could not get the answer she wanted from Lu Changsheng, since the founder of the Xuan Gang Sect could find the Xuanwu psychic stone to extend the life of the two-winged spin turtle, she would definitely be able to find the right one as long as she worked hard. The treasures of nature, materials and earth extend the longevity of the three naughty children. So she was not disappointed, but even more energetic.

"Fenghua, I think you'd better not have too much hope." Lu Changsheng hesitated and advised.

"Why?" Before Gu Fenghua could speak, Luo Enen and Fatty Bai asked in unison.

The hidden dangers of the three naughty children are not only a huge stone weighing on Gu Fenghua's heart, but also make them worried. Every time they think about the three little guys who may have to fight against them in more than ten years, they I couldn't sleep or eat well, and I didn't even dare to think about it.

At this time, there was finally a way to help them extend their longevity. Even if it was just a direction, they were as energetic as Gu Fenghua. Who knows how long I have been happy before the old man poured a basin of cold water over me, which made people feel cold.

"If Wuji Shengtian's existing treasures of heaven, materials and earth can help them extend their longevity, those legendary monsters and beasts will not have to leave early." Lu Changsheng said.

"So, the Xuanwu Spiritual Stone is not produced by our Wuji Holy Heaven?" Gu Fenghua asked thoughtfully.

"Yes, this Xuanwu psychic stone actually comes from outside the Nine Heavens. It is said that when the Xuan Gang Sect was first established, a strange phenomenon occurred in the sky, and a meteor shower fell on the far north ice field. The founder found it from those extraterrestrial meteorites I got the Xuanwu Spiritual Stone." Lu Changsheng replied.

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