My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5067 5067 The two elderly people are deeply worried

"Since it's a meteor shower, there should be more than just the Xuanwu Spiritual Stone, a natural and earthly treasure, right?" Gu Fenghua did not give up and asked.

"There should be more than one kind, but the Patriarch only brought back the Xuanwu Spiritual Stone." Lu Changsheng said, confirming Gu Fenghua's guess.

"Is there any record of the place where the meteor fell?" Gu Fenghua continued to ask.

The Arctic ice was originally vast and covered with ice and snow all year round. After tens of thousands of years of vicissitudes, the place where the meteor fell must have been completely changed and no trace can be found. If you don't have any clues to find it on your own, I'm afraid it won't be possible for hundreds of years. If they could find it, the three naughty kids wouldn't be able to wait that long.

"No." Lu Changsheng shook his head and said, "It is said that those extraterrestrial meteorites contain great power. The founder was seriously injured in order to retrieve the Xuanwu Spiritual Stone, and he was worried that future generations would go to seek death without knowing the truth, so The old man left no clues."

Such an answer was truly disappointing, and Gu Fenghua could only smile helplessly.

"By the way, could the ancient ruins found by Hanyun Sect be the place where the meteor fell?" Zhan Shibo said suddenly.

"This is quite possible." Lu Changsheng was startled at first, and then suddenly patted his forehead.

Hearing James Shibai's words, Gu Fenghua, Luo Enen and others also brightened up at the same time.

The strength of the three major sects in Beiyuan City is far superior to that of ordinary holy sects. The sect leader personally led the team to the ancient ruins, and all the strong men in the sects came out. In the end, the entire army was annihilated, and even the sect leader He was seriously injured and died shortly after returning. How dangerous are those ancient ruins? Most likely, that was the place where the meteor crashed.

"Elder Lu, please help me find out where the ancient ruins are. I want to try my luck." Gu Fenghua said to Lu Changsheng.

She finally found a way to help the three naughty children extend their lifespan, and of course she would not give up easily. No matter how dangerous the ancient ruins are, she will try hard as long as she can find them.

"I'm afraid this is a bit difficult. I don't know if Sect Leader Luo left any last words before he died, telling him the whereabouts of the ancient ruins. Moreover, Hanyun Sect has been torn apart now, and the disciples have scattered, and many of them have already left. I'm afraid it's difficult to inquire about Beiyuan City." Lu Changsheng said awkwardly.

It's not that he was pushing back. In fact, Gu Fenghua didn't ask him to take the risk together, and there was no need for him to push back. He said these things in front of him, just because he didn't want Gu Fenghua to be disappointed the more he hoped for it.

"Thank you, Elder Lu. Just do your best." Gu Fenghua also knew that this matter could not be forced, so he said with relief.

"Then I'll send someone to inquire first. Feng Hua, don't have too high hopes yet." Lu Changsheng said.

"There is also the matter of the Nine Heavens Chaos Stone. Lao Lu, you should be more careful. Lao Zhan is getting older, so I am a little worried." Fang Tianyou clasped his hands behind his back and gave a warning without missing a chance. That old-fashioned look and tone don't belong to the young sect master, they are clearly the style of the sect master.

Therefore, the veins on the foreheads of Lu Changsheng and Zhan Shibo jumped at the same time: He is just the young sect leader, and he is called "Old Lu and Lao Zhan" all day long. When he becomes the sect leader, should he change his name to "Little Lu Xiao"? James".

The two elderly people were deeply worried about this.

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