Should we find an opportunity to put a sack on his head, slap him with a few bricks, and slap him with a few sap blows? Let him learn a lesson and learn how to be a low-key person. This time, Zhan Shibo was no longer the only one who thought this way, even Lu Changsheng had such thoughts.

Fortunately, no one knows what they are thinking, otherwise they would definitely sigh loudly: The Supreme Elder is nothing more than a Supreme Elder. To make the always cautious Great Elder have such thoughts, this Young Master Fang should be What an outrage!

"By the way, what is Hanyun Sect's sect-protecting spirit beast? Don't fall into the hands of the Setting Sun Sect." Speaking of this, Gu Fenghua suddenly thought of the Hanyun sect's sect-protecting spirit beast, so he was curious asked, also reminding Lu Changsheng.

Although Lu Changsheng and others didn't say anything, she could guess that Xuan Gang Sect and Can Yang Sect were definitely plotting against Han Yun Sect. After all, the three major sects are already equivalent in strength. If Hanyun Sect had not had an accident, its strength would have been even higher than that of Xuangang Sect and Setting Sun Sect. Even if it fell apart now, the sect's treasures left behind would be enough to make their hearts flutter.

We can't blame them for taking advantage of the situation. The strong will respect the weak and the weak will eat the strong. This is the eternal truth of Wuji Holy Heaven.

There are only other heavenly, material and earthly treasure cultivation resources. The most important thing now is the sect-protecting spirit beast of Hanyun Sect. You must know that the Cloud-Eating Dragon Python of the Setting Sun Sect has reached the tenth level of the monster beast, which is much stronger than the two-winged spin turtle of the Xuangang Sect. If they are allowed to obtain the sect-protecting spirit beast of the Hanyun Sect, the Xuangang Sect's The situation must be precarious.

"Thank you Fenghua for reminding me." Lu Changsheng bowed slightly to express his thanks, and then said, "The sect-protecting spirit beast of Hanyun Sect is an ice-wind giant ape. Its strength was originally stronger than the Cloud-Eating Dragon Python of Setting Sun Sect, but before There is no need to worry about the fact that he died in that ancient ruins in order to save Sect Leader Luo these days."

Gu Fenghua felt relieved after hearing him say so confidently.

"Young Sect Master, you take a rest for a while. I will take Fenghua and the others to the guest courtyard first." Seeing that Gu Fenghua had no questions to ask, Lu Changsheng opened the door and said to Fang Tianyou.

"Don't bother. I think the yard is quite big. Let's live here." Fang Tianyou looked inside and said.

The yard is actually not too big, but it is more than enough for just a few people.

"We haven't seen Tianyou for many years, and we just wanted to catch up on old times, so why not bother." Gu Fenghua also said with a smile.

"In that case, we won't force it." After Lu Changsheng said that, he led Zhu Sifang, Zhong Lingxiu and others to the guest courtyard.

"By the way, I have already ordered people to prepare a banquet. Not only is it a blessing for the young sect leader, but I also want to thank you properly. Feng Hua, you must appreciate me." After walking a few steps, Lu Changsheng turned around and said.

"Elder Lu is out for a visit, we must go to the banquet on time." Gu Fenghua said.

"It's a pity that my holy heart is drunk. If I didn't waste it with greed last time, I would like to treat you to a taste today." James said with a sigh at this time.

Seeing the regret on his face, Fang Tianyou and others looked as normal. They were not good at drinking, so they didn't think it was a big deal when they heard that the Holy Heart was drunk. However, Gu Fenghua felt something in his heart: Counting the days, it had been several months since he left Yunjin City, and the last time he brewed the Holy Heart was no big deal. Do you know if it was successful?

After bidding farewell to Lu Changsheng and others, Gu Fenghua followed Fang Tianyou into the courtyard. He didn't bother to reminisce about the past and immediately put his spiritual thoughts into the storage bracelet.

Soon, her expression changed: she was gone. The Sacred Heart intoxication that she had worked so hard to brew was actually missing?

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