My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5069 5069 This question is obviously nonsense

How is this possible? You must know that the storage bracelet has a seal and prohibition, and only she can open it. She remembers clearly that after the sacred hearts were brewed and sealed in the altar, they were clearly placed in the storage bracelet, so how could they disappear?

Shen Nian searched twice but still couldn't find any trace of the wine jars. Gu Fenghua simply took out everything in the storage bracelet.

Soon, the yard was filled with all kinds of exotic flowers, fine gold, mithril, and hills of Holy Spirit Stones.

Fang Tianyou's eyes widened when he saw the mountains of Holy Spirit Stones filled with crystal clear colors. Look at other people, how long have you been here at Wuji Shenggenai, and you can actually accumulate such a rich net worth. In Tianji Continent, she was the little rich woman. When she came to Wuji Holy Heaven, the little rich woman was still the little rich woman.

As for me, apart from being beaten, I was mining and locked up in a small dark room. What kind of life was it?

I have to throw it away when comparing goods, comparing people to people, I really want to die! At this moment, Master Fang was so sad that he wanted to hit the wall.

Gu Fenghua didn't notice how much shock his actions brought to Fang Tianyou, and how much hurt he caused to his heart. He was already engrossed in rummaging through the pile of exotic flowers, gold, mithril and holy spirit stones. .

Unfortunately, after turning it over and over, she still found nothing.

"Fenghua, what are you looking for?" Luo Enen finally understood what Gu Fenghua was doing and asked curiously.

"Sacred Heart is drunk, last time we were in Yunjin City, didn't City Lord Sima give me a recipe for wine? I tried brewing some, but I don't know if it was successful. Why is it missing?" Gu Fenghua said.

While talking, she also took out the cave that Ye Yunji gave her and the Yundu flying boat that could not activate the formation because it had no weapon spirit, but she still could not find the whereabouts of the wine jars.

"How is this possible?" Luo Enen looked incredulous.

"It doesn't make sense. Look carefully." Fatty Bai said.

"I've looked for it several times, but it's not there." Gu Fenghua shook his head and said with a frown.

She didn't feel bad about the medicinal materials used to brew the Holy Heart Drunk, but after all, it was a lot of hard work, and she was really unwilling to disappear like this. She also thought about brewing the Holy Heart Drunk to see if it would help her break the bloodline seal. .

More importantly, everything in the storage bracelet can be lost, which is very strange. If she couldn't find out the reason, she might not be able to sleep peacefully.

"Will it be placed somewhere else?" Ye Wuse reminded.

other places? It's not like a jade pendant or something that can be worn everywhere, but it is a wine jar. There is nowhere to put it on the body... Wait, Gu Fenghua suddenly remembered that in addition to the storage bracelet, there is really a place to put those wine jars on his body.

With a thought, Gu Fenghua headed towards the pure land of spiritual heart to explore.

"Found it." Gu Fenghua said in surprise, taking out a wine jar from the pure land of the spiritual heart.

"I'm just telling you, there's no way that a good thing can just disappear." Luo Enen looked like he had known this for a long time. After speaking, he asked curiously, "By the way, Fenghua, where did you find it?"

Fatty Bai and Ye Wuse curled their lips: Nonsense, this question is obviously nonsense.

"The pure land of the spiritual heart." Although it was nonsense, Gu Fenghua still answered patiently considering that Miss Luo's intelligence level was erratic, high and low, and her intelligence level was mainly high and low. But after answering, he said strangely, "No, I remember it very clearly. It was obviously placed in the storage bracelet. Why did it go to the Pure Land of the Spiritual Heart?"

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