My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5071 5071 As a qualified foodie

Sacred Heart Drunk is indeed the best wine in Wuji Holy Heaven. Miss Luo has never forgotten it since she tasted it once in Yunjin City.

Gu Fenghua had this intention and raised his hand to open the seal.

"Wait a little longer. The time is still a little too short. Even if it is brewed, the taste will not be too mellow. It will taste better after some time." Fatty Bai advised.

"Well, let's wait a little longer. If it gets better, I'm afraid it won't be our turn." Ye Wuse said pointedly.

"That's true, just wait." Luo Enen, whose intelligence level was uncertain, happened to be in a high position, and he suddenly understood the implication of Ye Wuse's words.

She also doesn’t believe that the naughty kid moved Sacred Heart Drunk from the storage space to the pure land of the spiritual heart out of good intentions. With its huge amount, if the wine had been brewed, it would have drunk it all, maybe even the wine jar. They were all destroyed by it.

Therefore, Miss Luo still listened to Ye Wuse and Fatty Bai's advice and decided to wait for a while before talking. It must be admitted that as a qualified foodie, he is often more patient than ordinary people and understands why he cannot eat hot tofu in a hurry.

"Then let's talk about it some time later." Gu Fenghua put down his hand and sent the altar of Holy Heart back to the pure land of the spiritual heart.

Indeed, the six senses of monster beasts are stronger than humans, especially for ancient alien species like iron-eating beasts. I guess it knows best whether the Holy Heart is drunk or not. Since there is no shortage of it, it should be that it is not cured yet. .

She was not good at drinking to begin with, so she brewed Sacred Heart Drunk mainly to see if it would help her break the bloodline seal, and of course she was not in a hurry.

Of course, while returning the Holy Heart to the pure land of the spiritual heart, Gu Fenghua also did not forget to warn the naughty child: "Obsidian, forget it this time. If you steal my wine without permission in the future, be careful I will beat you up." Butt blossoms.”

Although in the demon pet space, the little bear cub was sleeping soundly with its head in its arms and its butt kicked up, Gu Fenghua believed that it would definitely hear his voice.

This is indeed the case. When Gu Fenghua's voice sounded, the little guy's body visibly stiffened, and then he buried his head deeply in his arms like an ostrich. His whole body curled up into a ball, with only one butt exposed. He seemed to be sleeping more soundly.

Gu Fenghua smiled and said nothing more.

Under Fang Tianyou's envious and sad gaze, Gu Fenghua took back the mountains of exotic flowers, gold, mithril and Holy Spirit Stones, as well as various miscellaneous items such as the Cultivation Cave, Cloud Crossing and Flying Boat, and took them back to the storage bracelet. Only then began to talk about the various encounters after arriving at Wuji Holy Heaven.

Although Fang Tianyou's experiences after arriving at Wuji Holy Heaven were also colorful, generally speaking, they were mostly tragedies. Even after he became a disciple of Jiang Mingyuan, he still lived in dire straits, while Gu Fenghua and the others' fortunes were different. It's the same, Fang Tianyou was so fascinated and fascinated when he heard it.

Unconsciously, the sun was setting in the west, and a disciple of Xuan Gang Sect knocked on the door knocker and invited everyone to come to the banquet. Gu Fenghua and others stopped talking and went happily.

In front of the banquet hall, Lu Changsheng and others had been waiting for a long time, and immediately came forward to greet them when they saw them. After chatting for a while, they were invited to sit down.

Everyone sat down and the food and drinks were served one by one. In order to cleanse the young sect leader, and to express gratitude to Gu Fenghua and others, Xuangang Sect obviously put a lot of effort into the dishes. The dishes flying in the sky, swimming in the water, and running on the ground are all extraordinary. Although Gu Fenghua and others are all from extraordinary backgrounds , I am used to eating delicacies from mountains and seas, but when I saw this table of delicacies, I still couldn't help but move my index finger.

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