My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5072 5072 Alas, I had known this

The most rare thing is that because survival is not easy, the major sects in the Lingji Realm also know how to enjoy themselves better than the sects in the other two extreme regions, and are very particular about food. The dishes on this table are not only precious ingredients, but also the cooks are extremely skilled. It is very suitable to the taste of Gu Fenghua and others.

While feasting on the delicious food, they chatted about the customs and customs of Lingji Domain and Tianji Continent, and enjoyed themselves while drinking and drinking.

Among all the people, Sima Batian was the only one who was unhappy. He only responded vaguely and perfunctorily to what others said.

At first, everyone thought it was because of Gu Fenghua's presence. The old man was in awe and couldn't let go. They wanted to comfort him a few words, but when they got closer and heard his mumbling, they couldn't speak anymore. .

"My lobster, my lobster!" I saw the little old man looking at the table dreamily, with a sad face and tears in his eyes, talking to himself like he was dreaming.

Look at the giant lobster in the middle of the table, which is about a foot long and is said to come from a volcanic lake in the hinterland of the Far North Icefield. Look at the tears in the eyes of the little old man. Gu Fenghua and others are full of sympathy and desperately trying to I endured and endured and endured - I finally couldn't hold it back and didn't laugh out loud in front of him.

There was nothing they could do. It wasn't that they had no sympathy, but when they saw the old man's expression of grief and pain, they couldn't help but think of the big lobster. They rushed forward arrogantly, spitting bubbles, and were swirled by the wings. The scene where the turtle swallowed it up in one gulp. This picture is so joyful, really!

While Gu Fenghua and others were feasting and laughing, on the other side of Beiyuan City, the Setting Sun Sect was filled with gloom and mist.

"Will you be alright, Master?" Looking at the unconscious Qu Dangyuan lying on the sick stick, the elders and deacons of the Setting Sun Sect, Ke Qingchong, who were present, all looked worried.

"There is no fear of life, but the injury is too serious. I'm afraid it will take some time to recover. And even if the injury is healed, I don't know if it will affect the cultivation level." The second elder sighed.

The second elder of the Setting Sun Sect is proficient in medical skills and alchemy, and is known as the Holy Hand of Beiyuan. Hearing what he said, the others were even more worried.

In today's battle, hundreds of elites of the Setting Sun Sect were killed in front of the Xuangang Sect, and almost everyone else was injured. This result seemed a bit regrettable to Gu Fenghua, Lu Changsheng and others, but it was a great loss to the Setting Sun Sect.

If the master's cultivation is damaged again, the Setting Sun Sect's strength will naturally be greatly damaged, and I am afraid that it will no longer have any advantage against the Xuan Gang Sect. However, the two sects are now in a fierce battle, and there might even be a deadly battle. By then, whether the Setting Sun Sect can survive may be a question.

"Well, if I had known this, I shouldn't have rushed to take action against Xuangang. The sect leader was still too impatient." A deacon said regretfully, with a hint of complaint.

"You can't say that. The disappearance of the Xuangang Sect's guardian spirit beast was originally our Can Yang Sect's best opportunity. The sect leader made a prompt decision and was not at fault." The second elder argued on Qu Danyuan's behalf.

"The second elder's words are reasonable. He wants to achieve great things. How can he be hesitant and indecisive? I really cannot blame the sect master for this matter." Others also spoke in agreement.

"That's true. But didn't the Xuangang Sect's sect-protecting spirit beasts say they were missing? How could they be found so quickly? They even took the initiative to sacrifice the power of demon spirits. When did the three sect-protecting spirit beasts of our Beiyuan City become So honest and obedient." Seeing them all speaking out, the deacon didn't dare to scold the sect leader any more, so he quickly changed the subject and said with a puzzled look on his face.

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