My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5073 5073 It’s all because of Gu Fenghua!

Hearing his words, other people in the room also looked puzzled. The sect-protecting spirit beast took the initiative to offer sacrifices at the expense of its life and soul. This kind of thing has never happened among the three major sects in Beiyuan City.

At this time, a middle-aged man walked in quickly, came to the second elder, gathered his energy and whispered a few words.

"Gu Fenghua, do you think it's all because of Gu Fenghua?" the second elder exclaimed.

"Not bad." The middle-aged man nodded solemnly.

"You go down first and continue to inquire about the news. If there is any movement in Xuan Gang Sect, you must report it immediately." The second elder took a deep breath to calm down and ordered.

"Yes, sir." The middle-aged man bowed and retreated.

"Second Elder, what happened? What happened to Gu Fenghua?" As soon as he left, everyone asked curiously and uneasily.

Of course, the name Gu Fenghua was familiar to them. To put it into detail, although the Setting Sun Sect and the Xuangang Sect were bound to have a battle sooner or later, today's conflict originally started because of Gu Fenghua and others. If it hadn't been for the battle at the city gate, Qu Dangyuan had been seriously injured at their hands, and he might not have been injured like this in the end.

The joint strike of Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen shocked everyone present. As soon as they heard Gu Fenghua's name, their hearts trembled involuntarily.

"The news I just heard is that Fang Tianyou was not strong enough to contract the sect-protecting spirit beast. In the end, he succeeded because of Gu Fenghua's help. Also, it is said that the reason why the sect-protecting spirit beast took the initiative to sacrifice the power of the demon spirit was It's also because of Gu Fenghua—it seems to be because it was beaten so badly by Gu Fenghua's monster that it was afraid of being beaten," said the elder Taishang.

The three major sects in Beiyuan City have been fighting openly and secretly for many years, and each side will plant spies in the other sect. Therefore, as soon as the war ended, the news about the Xuangang Sect's sect-protecting spirit beast was quickly spread back to the Setting Sun Sect. Of course, this is also because Zhan Shibai, Lu Changsheng and others did not pay too much attention to this matter. If a gag order was specially issued, the Setting Sun Sect may not be able to find out.

"What, it's all because of Gu Fenghua!" After hearing the second elder's words, everyone subconsciously exclaimed.

They had all seen Gu Fenghua's strength with their own eyes. He was indeed very strong - if he wasn't strong, how could he have forced the sect leader into a desperate situation, and in the end, he had to rely on Qu Hongan to sacrifice his life to save him?

However, no matter how strong she is, what does it have to do with the Xuangang Sect's protective spirit beast? You must know that all the sect-protecting spirit beasts of the three major sects in Beiyuan City were left behind by the founder of the sect. Although they abide by the agreement, they will make a new contract with the new sect master every time he succeeds to the throne. However, these three sect-protecting spirits The beast's status is so aloof that it often doesn't even look down upon the new sect leader. How can it be possible to obey the orders of outsiders?

Oh, by the way, there is another sentence after the second elder. The sect-protecting spirit beast of Xuan Gang Sect seemed to have been beaten so badly by Gu Fenghua’s demon pet that it scared him, so he honestly sacrificed it to the demon spirit. power, then the reason why it made a contract with Fang Tianyou should be for this reason.

However, is this method too violent? That is the sect-protecting spirit beast, a sect-protecting spirit beast with a long lifespan of tens of thousands of years.

Although over the past tens of thousands of years, the three major sects in Beiyuan City have been at odds with each other, openly and secretly, once an outsider attempts to get involved in Beiyuan City, the three major sects will join forces to defend against the enemy. The three major sects' greatest reliance is the three sect-protecting spirit beasts. Therefore, whether ordinary people or disciples of various sects in Beiyuan City, their ancestors can live in Beiyuan City peacefully for generations, in fact, they also rely on these three sect-protecting spiritual beasts.

Therefore, even if the sects are like fire and water, no matter which sect's disciples, when they mention the three great sect-protecting spirit beasts, they are grateful and even respect them as gods.

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